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I thought yours was all good as you havent said other wise. Nowt worse when your in pain. :(
Hows the wifey doing these days. :)
No I get reccuring pain due to an accident i had when I was 18. I dived into a swimming pool from some scaffolding showing off to a gurl I was already going out with. I decided it was too risky to go straight in so I went in at a shallower angle i.e. further out and when I hit the watter it flipped my legs up or summat.
So I have had to have increasingly more attention from chiros.
for years it wasn't that bad. But the older you get?.....:(
Hence me using the exercises in the book.
Wifey takes insane amounts of pain-killers morphine amongst them. :rolleyes::(
No I get reccuring pain due to an accident i had when I was 18. I dived into a swimming pool from some scaffolding showing off to a gurl I was already going out with. I decided it was too risky to go straight in so I went in at a shallower angle i.e. further out and when I hit the watter it flipped my legs up or summat.
So I have had to have increasingly more attention from chiros.
for years it wasn't that bad. But the older you get?.....:(
Hence me using the exercises in the book.
Wifey takes insane amounts of pain-killers morphine amongst them. :rolleyes::(

Ah ok my back hurts at the thought of that, I jumped off a quarry once for a dare lol we did
go in swimming to make sure it was deep enough & that there wasnt a double decker bus
under the surface, as I hit the water my left arm was slighty sticking out nearly ripped my arm
off. Wont do that again.

Your poor wifey. :(
No I get reccuring pain due to an accident i had when I was 18. I dived into a swimming pool from some scaffolding showing off to a gurl I was already going out with. I decided it was too risky to go straight in so I went in at a shallower angle i.e. further out and when I hit the watter it flipped my legs up or summat.
So I have had to have increasingly more attention from chiros.
for years it wasn't that bad. But the older you get?.....:(
Hence me using the exercises in the book.
Wifey takes insane amounts of pain-killers morphine amongst them. :rolleyes::(
I had to take codeine for something at work and sat at my desk like a cat high on catnip. The handover to my line manager was...... I turned up took meds, I think some work was done. I feel amazing and I'm going home.
Todays freebee.............. Anyone wanting a ring..
