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Kick starts went out of fashion for some reason:rolleyes:.
My Zed has 1 as does the XT, but the Duc doesnt and its the 1 that is most prone to eating a battery so could do with 1.
Modern tech is wonderful as we all know:oops:;);).

I worked on my mates bikes a lot before I could afford a car. Matchless, AJS, Triumph 650,etc
He had one he couldn't start but he knew this little bikey girl who came around and kicked it into action first thing.
We'd both had tries and therefore went red!
I'm sort of average size and weight but my mate was a serious rugby player, played for the Racing club de France etc. so beefy wasn't in it. So he was dead embarrassed.
Think it's a knack and presumably too many folks just didn't have it so they went to electric. Or was it to do with higher compression ratios?
Well, today........
Spent most of it in sewage as our septic tank decided it was blocked.
Located the blockage but typical it is after a 90 deg bend and I don't have any drain rods...... over here.:rolleyes:
Neeb didn't have any either but came over with his Karcher. Which also didn't have a 90 deg bend. Anyway we connected it all up and gave it good squirt. Meanwhile I dug a channel for all the waste water that was leaking out of the connection to the pipe. It ended up disappearing down a tunnel of some kind! Moles? Underground stream? Feck nose!!
Neeb wanted to assault the pipe with his drill so he could get a straight jet on the blockage with his Karcher. I declined as didn't want all the feckin hassle of repairing it. He got a tiny bit sniffy about this, but not much. By this time the "fluid" was starting to move down the tube a bit so I think we have disturbed the blockage. So tonight I am going to stick some strong liquid blockage busting stuff that needs to be there for 8 hours, overnight.
We'll see.
Have loads of other stuff to do, could do without this.
Also ordered spark plugs and a coil pack for Wifey's Pluriel. The company doin the plugs, €35 :eek:, wanted €180 for the coil pack, so fecked them off and ordered one off Amazon for €62.
Once that arrives I'll have the fun of undoing the connector with the metal clip thingy that went for a trip!!!
Very, very humid here today, though not hot as such. spent the whole day mopping it off my face and head..:mad:
The peeps we had over last night spent ages asking us about all the ins and outs of the Royal Family.:rolleyes: Felt like someone from the beeb! Still good fun though.:):):)
Hope you all had decent days!
I worked on my mates bikes a lot before I could afford a car. Matchless, AJS, Triumph 650,etc
He had one he couldn't start but he knew this little bikey girl who came around and kicked it into action first thing.
We'd both had tries and therefore went red!
I'm sort of average size and weight but my mate was a serious rugby player, played for the Racing club de France etc. so beefy wasn't in it. So he was dead embarrassed.
Think it's a knack and presumably too many folks just didn't have it so they went to electric. Or was it to do with higher compression ratios?

Without the right technique on big singles or older twin bikes, you could well end up being pushed over the handlebars and end up with a broken ankle. Mate of mine did and he was wearing good boots, he ended up on his back on a petrol station forecourt:oops:. I have refitted the decompressor on the XT as that is the most likely 1 to kick my arse in the air if I get it wrong, before I fitted it I was very careful. the Zed is easy.
But have heard many stories of blokes not knowing where to put the engine stroke before giving it a good kick and ending on their arse:D.

Without the right technique on big singles or older twin bikes, you could well end up being pushed over the handlebars and end up with a broken ankle. Mate of mine did and he was wearing good boots, he ended up on his back on a petrol station forecourt:oops:. I have refitted the decompressor on the XT as that is the most likely 1 to kick my arse in the air if I get it wrong, before I fitted it I was very careful. the Zed is easy.
But have heard many stories of blokes not knowing where to put the engine stroke before giving it a good kick and ending on their arse:D.

I watched a German geezer kick his BMW tourer over a few times just to get some oil in the bores before putting the keys in and firing it up with ignition & Electric start. Proper "hardcore" engine minding that is I reckon. ;)
I worked on my mates bikes a lot before I could afford a car. Matchless, AJS, Triumph 650,etc
He had one he couldn't start but he knew this little bikey girl who came around and kicked it into action first thing.
We'd both had tries and therefore went red!
I'm sort of average size and weight but my mate was a serious rugby player, played for the Racing club de France etc. so beefy wasn't in it. So he was dead embarrassed.
Think it's a knack and presumably too many folks just didn't have it so they went to electric. Or was it to do with higher compression ratios?
Yes there is a knack to firing up a big brit single. Handed down from father to son. Fuel on, couple of swings on the kick starter with the decompressor held in, bring onto compression and ease it over the top, followed by a hefty kick start with the decompressor released.
You can pad it out as much as you like, but we all know the short story. Kestars a big softie:D:D.

Shhh fk sake aye ok then im a big softie at heart :D
my misses says the same sometimes :rolleyes: I was driving last week doing 60 up the rest n be thankful
& I seen a caterpillar on the road so I stopped an reversed back and put it in the bushes.
I do love wildlife if that was a person id have reversed over em lol
Has anyone got the skills to build @My Old Landy a bike.

Im sure @doriz could help do a few laps of the village ;)