Afternoon folks

So have managed to get the scaffold up in the east wing bathroom to be

(sorry called it the west wing earlier). It is started to show us its winter, need to dig out me wolly hat the ears are getting cold

. But the fire is on and so we are warm inside

Have done something in me forearm and its giving me some jip at the moment, so its good it getting a day off tomorrow

. It will be fine on turdsdays.
Going into "big boy" town to see our new solicitor (old 1 died dont know why and she was young too, shame she was good), got to sort out our BG wills. If you thought it was difficult for the UK

. Try this. As we are not married and the property is in a business name, when the first of us dies the share goes to next of kin regardless, the surviving partner has no obligation to inform and can refuse they have their share

But has to pay the value? but only if they know the rules and make the claim

Guess what

. Good job we all get on

(ATM). Its all about protecting the survivor right now, they can argue about it after simple

Oh and pay the tax

Hope all have not had too many problems to perplex you today
