Well I am a bit ashamed to say I have done absolutely nothing today.
Wifey got up and out quite early, yet more Christmas shopping with dottir in Pompey.

So she'll be out all day. Ex s-i-l/ now mate called in as he was passing so we had a big catch-up. Blokes don't do this enough do we/they?!
Anyway, he has bought not one but 2 Stutz, in bits, one from Melbun and one from Tasmania. Fekin nutter. Have yet to see them as they are in bits all over the place and one is still being shipped over. I can see me having a good excuse then to go over and have a play, a natter and a beer. He is also talking about getting a two post lift. He has the room, to just throw up a garage or a shed, that I don't have. So if he gets one of those we could be in for a lot more fun!!!
As I still haven't got the drive belt for my car stereo I spent a while hunting high and low for the head unit I took out of the D1 which i could fit temporarily.
I had in my hands just a week or two back. Can I find it? Can I hell.

And no, it ain't down the side of the chair, I looked!
So I suppose I did do
something, just not much.

Must put the bins out before it gets dark.

Of such highlights my life is made up!

Oh and yessdi Teigla tiles came through, they din't have anything 10" or the amazing thinness of the originals, as expected, but they gave me 4 x 200mm ones to play with. I say "gave" they didn't sell 'em to me so I put £4 in the charity boxes. Decent peeps they are.