Afternoon folks
Well today started really sunny and bright, so got a bit done. It later turned grey and now its raining
So lit the fire and M has put some bread on, you know the smell that makes you hungry, its coming my way in a hour
Going into big boy town tomorrow to get our booooooster we hope
so while we are there we will do some other retail therapy to make the trip worth while. The list is getting longer as we discuss
Friday night party for the workers
. I miss celebrating Fridays..... Not
Cos I can now do it whatever day I like
Well today started really sunny and bright, so got a bit done. It later turned grey and now its raining
So lit the fire and M has put some bread on, you know the smell that makes you hungry, its coming my way in a hour
Going into big boy town tomorrow to get our booooooster we hope
Friday night party for the workers