Twas sunny today, for a change!
Suggested to Wifey we go shopping.
She fell off her perch in shock.
But we went to World of Furniture and bought a feck off big blanket box, so the thing has now landed. Is in the same oak as the rest of the bedroom stuff so all is happy.
Fecker JUST fit in the back of the Disco!!!
So now the old 'un will be off to the oction.
View attachment 252868
And no, we never use the rad.
Rather dwarfs the old un!
View attachment 252869
Still Wifey is happy, and it'll store more dirty washing than the old un.
Happy all round!!

Just had Fajitas, ( I think, chicken in a mexican thing inside wrap things, can never remember the proper names. Twas nice!)
Wifey on a zoom with her ex-guider friends in Europe.
Hope you are all having a lovely evening.