It was the breeder that blanked it out not eye, Im presuming the bitch came into season and they let it
have a go I think its all about the money and when the dogs are young and healthy here's the mothers line, according to the kennel club they are only allowed 4 litters in a life time.
Mother is young too.......
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As you know we have bred a few litters and thus had to find out all about the kennel club rules. We haven't done it for years now but I had a feeling that there was an age limit under which the bitch could not be mated, just can't remember what it was. Just checked, "between 1 and 8" so fine for both.
Can't imagine what she has blanked out except perhaps her own name and address? Bit weird, none of the breeders we ever went to either to find a sire for mating, or a to buy a puppy, ever did that.
(Anyway, let's hope the pedigree you got is for this pup and not from her mate down the road!)
At the end of the day, if you ain't going to breed and the pup is fit healthy and happy, it don't matter! but to say you have won at Crufts when you ain't is a bit of a big porky to try and pull off!

Did you see the Mum and Dad? We have always seen the mum. and sometimes the dad. It was being careful like that that helped us help a friend to avoid buying a wrong un. The bitch that was supposed to be the mum couldn't have been less interested in the pup she was trying to sell. Dead give away.
Last pup we bought, her dad was the equivalent of the Crufts champion in Poland, or somewhere. Her breeding really shows in that she is healthy as anything, fun, affectionate and bloody intelligent. Possibly the best dog we have ever had, and we have had some real corkers.
(Only got back on line to book my Covid booster as the internet site seemed to be fecked this arvo. Anyway got one for this Satdi, so earlier than the one I was trying to get from a place a bit closer to home, so well chuffed!!!)
So, pleased about your news. Can't imagine life without our doggies, even though they can cause us expense and a bit of annoyance from time to time.
So you'll have two soon then? Hope they get on from word go. Sometimes we have had it take a while but usually it takes less time when there is only two dogs in the house. Last time we had to buy a cage to put the pup in, until it worked out. We brought one in to join two others. Never had that problem before to such an extent, but they all love each other to bits now.

Have fun!