I would just like to say

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Want a good laugh at my expense?
Well, my wonder man came and I went to show him how low the fluid was in the container - below the lowest line - " Those lines, my dear, are part of the pattern on the bottle. Come this side and you will see the marked high and low marks here." :oops::D:D:D
Oh dear!
Like Napoleon, bet you felt a right tit!!
Still at least looks like you may have no problem at all!!!:):):):):)
Ere tratterers, farmers av manufacturd too many pigs. If yer looking ferra soul mate yer should be able ter get one cheep. Dun't worry about the smell and dirty habbits. Yer pig won't mind.
Couldn't have a porker in me tratter, its got leatherer seats - prolly from a porkers' cuzzin. Porker would be uncomfortable sitting on his cuzzin. :p
XJ40 decided to throw a hissy fit in the form of the coolant deciding to be burnt!

Bloody inconsiderate thing!

A new headgasket is cheap, just my time!


New headgasket fitted.

And everything back together.

she runs a treat

32yr old engine on the original headgasket, not bad.
I don't think he is short of funds ;)
Also (this may really surprise you), he is a Veterinary Chiropractor. :eek:
So people with dogs with injured spines etc. he treats them too.
We all know money is no object when it comes to our 4-legged friends. ;)

I hope he didnt take yer temp first & shove a thermo up yer hoop haha
XJ40 decided to throw a hissy fit in the form of the coolant deciding to be burnt!

Bloody inconsiderate thing!

A new headgasket is cheap, just my time!


New headgasket fitted.

And everything back together.

she runs a treat

32yr old engine on the original headgasket, not bad.

Wots that lump of shite in the water way.
Best wishes for your trip to reconnect with your family after such an extended absence.
While there is a deeply sad driver for your trip at this time, it will be so very much worthwhile.
I managed to get back to the UK from California see my father when he was very ill and in hospital. We managed to have that much needed private time together to say all the things that needed saying between a Father and Son.
Sadly, I never saw him alive again but I felt I had not failed him, and we conversed by phone and letter many, many times.
My very best wishes go with you mate.

Tears. :(:(:(
Another early finish for me today.. & the roof is finally finished. :D
Moved inside the house to fit some plaster board on the celling needs a double layer wing nut
will put the next boards on with a labourer & I will sand the grp balcony floor & gel wash it....
(50/50 mix of resin & gelcoat). Next week will see this job finished. :cool:
Another early finish for me today.. & the roof is finally finished. :D
Moved inside the house to fit some plaster board on the celling needs a double layer wing nut
will put the next boards on with a labourer & I will sand the grp balcony floor & gel wash it....
(50/50 mix of resin & gelcoat). Next week will see this job finished. :cool:
Congrats! :)
1 has your company contacted the police special IT scamming squad, as this is a criminal offence?
https://www.hampshire.police.uk/CYBERCRIME#:~:text=If you are currently being,(textphone 0300 123 2050).
They are stopping you working and demanding money with menaces.
2. Your co. must get a new server with a different operator,
3 then Firewall it properly with a honey pot set up by the new operator
4 you then need a second server to back up the new one after each transaction
5 The police peeps will save anything savable from the original system.

Al this from Wifey, ex IT auditor.

That's innerestin as we are going through a protracted change over to a new IT bunch.
as for the rest ovvit I is jus the ole mushroom inna corner, let the bright new things sort it out :D
Want a good laugh at my expense?
Well, my wonder man came and I went to show him how low the fluid was in the container - below the lowest line - " Those lines, my dear, are part of the pattern on the bottle. Come this side and you will see the marked high and low marks here." :oops::D:D:D

But is your light/warning still on.
At least it’s not low…… or was it:confused:.

We don’t laugh at each other ere we all chuckle at our life experience that we share, for others to say “I have never done that”:oops::).

But is your light/warning still on.
At least it’s not low…… or was it:confused:.

We don’t laugh at each other ere we all chuckle at our life experience that we share, for others to say “I have never done that”:oops::).

The light never stayed on, it just came and went - twice. It was almost on the correct LOW line - but not below it. After having its top-up, the light has not reappeared but 'my' man has said what peeps on here said 'give it a few days and then check again', so that is what I will do'. AND KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED that I do not have a big problem - for 'big'. read £££'s at the LR dealer.:rolleyes:
The light never stayed on, it just came and went - twice. It was almost on the correct LOW line - but not below it. After having its top-up, the light has not reappeared but 'my' man has said what peeps on here said 'give it a few days and then check again', so that is what I will do'. AND KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED that I do not have a big problem - for 'big'. read £££'s at the LR dealer.:rolleyes:
DD I think we all have our fingers crossed that there is nothing nasty lurking in the wood pile.
If it'll cheer you up, my TD5 Disco 2 showed its hot gearbox oil light for the first, and one and only time this summer.
It has not recurred and diagnostic shows nothing. Hopefully your was literally just a warning.:):):):)