I would just like to say

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I am going to purchase some premium bonds, it looks like even if I only won £25 a year it would be better than the ISA!!
Oh dear, mine is up 27% since I opened it 3 years ago I moved away from Hartheivesgreaves Landsdowne because their "management fees" were eating £60/month. Vanguard is much better.
He is a chiro + a lot of other stuff. :)
I think I am in good hands.
After lots of ups and downs with back docs and osteos I think you are dead right. Maybe it's because we have the Bournemouth international school of Chiropractic not far from us, but there are lots of practices to choose from plus being able to go to the college itself and get treated half-price! Which of course appeals to the Yorkshire in me!
So I'd go with a chiro every time.
Really pleased to here you are with one!
Morning all...overcast here atm sun to poke its face out later, day off but I still wake up at the usual
time :rolleyes: been pottering around the house and have used my camping trailer fridge in the house for
milk ect, fridge engineer expected on tuesday.

Not sure what I want to do today ahhhhh the choices :D:D

Another cuppa me thinks njoy yer day peeps. :)
Re fridges and them going bust, when I lived in France as a student I had a good mate whose dad was a fridge engineer who lived in Rothesay. He used to travel around with him lending a hand when he was working. One evening we were both at a party and the hostess's fridge turned out to be bust, just an ornery under the counter thing, so we dragged it out to have a look at it.
John, my mate, said, "there's not much we can do with this but there is one thing we can try, empty it, turn it upside down and see if it can be made to go" so we did, it didn't work, but the hostess was very grateful for our efforts and took me to bed to prove it. What fun!:D:D:D:D
(Genevieve, a child psychiatrist. Wonder if she is still alive? if so she'll be 86 or so. :eek::eek::eek::eek:)
Misses put 2 cans of cola in the fridge last night I did remember the dog barking at some point during
the night, one can frozen solid with the tab popped open the other.....
View attachment 247060
Got frozen cola lumps all over the lower shelf & I had to search for the lid lol it was hiding in the door
shelve above. ooopps. I will leave the lumps until tonight an put them in my rum :D
Stat bust then do you think?
You'll be putting cola in your ice tray next! why not??!!:):):):):)
Fridge has somit wrong with it, thermostat ?? everything inside was frozen the other day.
it seams to be getting colder by the day. Just wondering if I should turn it off but wft do we
do with all the frozen gear I cant eat it all that over one weekend. :eek:
You could try switching it off, leaving it, and then back on again, every so often. That's if you don't have another freezer to put the newly frozen stuff in.
We had a power cut over here when we were away. Neighbour spotted it and went in and reset the RCBs. The stuff in the freezer turned out to be fine. Luckily they had the sense to not open the lid.;)