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...well that's not good. :(
I just had my first consultation with the spine-health doctor. :)
It seems I am damaged in several areas; lower spine, cervical spine and shoulders. :(
X-Rays are required (more cost) before he can recommend a treatment plan.
He did say some of the things may not be "fix-able" at all as there seems to be some arthritic deterioration. :(
Almost everyone, once they hit a certain age, will have some arthritic deterioration, it also depends on whether you had a job which was physical or did a lot of sport, cos both of those exacerbate it.
It depends what he means by "damage". If it is major you'd be in a wheelchair,
Wifey and I both have longstanding back problems.
If you don't have a particular problem at the moment, he should tell you to do some low impact exercise, like swimming and if he is decent he'll also tell you to consult a chiropractor if your back suddenly plays you up. They have a set range of fees and basically at the mo, after the very first session where they assess you, a normal consultation is about £33. They spend as long studying the spine as ordinary doctors spend studying the whole body. At least over the first 3 years. Our first port of call.
Wifey has had to have surgery several times and now has a titanium cage in her back. She also takes about 80 mgs of morphine sulphate a day, which is a lot!
A chiropractor I had regularly until he retired has a son who became a doctor, he couldn't believe how little they studied such a vital part of the anatomy.
If he sends you to a physio, I doubt they'll do much to help you as they aren't specialised enough. An osteopath would be better than that.

So you can believe me when I say I sympathise deeply with you, Dan.
Do hope you get a positive outcome to all of this.
Almost everyone, once they hit a certain age, will have some arthritic deterioration, it also depends on whether you had a job which was physical or did a lot of sport, cos both of those exacerbate it.
It depends what he means by "damage". If it is major you'd be in a wheelchair,
Wifey and I both have longstanding back problems.
If you don't have a particular problem at the moment, he should tell you to do some low impact exercise, like swimming and if he is decent he'll also tell you to consult a chiropractor if your back suddenly plays you up. They have a set range of fees and basically at the mo, after the very first session where they assess you, a normal consultation is about £33. They spend as long studying the spine as ordinary doctors spend studying the whole body. At least over the first 3 years. Our first port of call.
Wifey has had to have surgery several times and now has a titanium cage in her back. She also takes about 80 mgs of morphine sulphate a day, which is a lot!
A chiropractor I had regularly until he retired has a son who became a doctor, he couldn't believe how little they studied such a vital part of the anatomy.
If he sends you to a physio, I doubt they'll do much to help you as they aren't specialised enough. An osteopath would be better than that.

So you can believe me when I say I sympathise deeply with you, Dan.
Do hope you get a positive outcome to all of this.
Thanks :)
This guy seems to know what he is on about, and at £90 a pop I would ruddy well hope so. :eek:
The bit he's trying to pinpoint is why I wake in the night with both arms "dead" from fingertips to elbows (irrespective of sleeping position).
The poor result in the "Fukuda Stepping Test" (I kid you not) indicates a problem with signaling up/down the spinal cord on one side.
None of this is life-threatening (as far as I know) but I have taken a downward turn just recently and I put it down to overdoing it on the DIY/Kid's-DIY front.
But it isn't getting any better so I need to get stuff fixed if I can.
The bit he's trying to pinpoint is why I wake in the night with both arms "dead" from fingertips to elbows (irrespective of sleeping position).
If you find out please tell me as I have that in my left arm every morning. I had some tests but they were inconclusive. My spine has some compaction but they dismissed it as not causing those symptoms.
Take it easy and I really hope you bounce back!
Well the past 24 hours has been bad news.
The osteo thought she had put my vertebra back in and sais that if the pain continued over the enxt to days to see a Doctor as it would mean the disc was prolly herniated.:rolleyes::eek:
So after initially feeling a bit better it then got worse, even worse than before.
To the extent that even after 2 paraceetemol, 1 Nurophen, and a load of whisky, I couldn't get comfortable at all, the pian stopped me from sleeping apart from being, well, a pain.
Finally at 5 a.m. I asked Wifey to give me a morphine tab, which she did, 1/2 and hour later, I needed another one, as the first one was barely touching it, so with 20mgs of morphine in me i finally got 2 hours sleep.

There is only one chiropractor in the area, I rang her just after 9 a.m. to be forced to leave an answerphone message.
so here I am stuck. :mad::mad::mad:
Not a happy chappie!:(:(:(

Ah so sorry buddy :(:(:(how you feeling now ??
...well that's not good. :(
I just had my first consultation with the spine-health doctor. :)
It seems I am damaged in several areas; lower spine, cervical spine and shoulders. :(
X-Rays are required (more cost) before he can recommend a treatment plan.
He did say some of the things may not be "fix-able" at all as there seems to be some arthritic deterioration. :(

Eh wots going on in here today :eek::(:(:( Sorry matey :(:(
Gosh! You get the best jobs don't you? Those old sarking boards looked really rotten.
It is coming along well though isn't it? :)

Oh they are very rotten, placing yer feet wrong could be fatal lol The bawbag I work with wanted
me and the other lad to crack on with removing the old slates and doing the sarking whilst he messed
about with the finishing on the balcony, Errr fkn no way I'll get one side stripped you get the other
& the 2 labourers can get the slate and boards off the scaffold and the old timber in the van.
Huffed for a while but two days of me bursting my ass and theres its nearly ready to start slating. :D:D