I would just like to say

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O that reminds me I got an email from my architect from the planning, basically they aint happy
with the size as its too big of the garage, so we reduced the size to 6mx5m then not happy with roof design so a pitched roof ffs ok change that....not happy with materials used ffs now they want it turned
45 degrees so the gable end faces the road and wooden doors :mad: fkn stupid cow :mad::mad: we will be happy
to agree if I comply aye ok just go ahead once its up and building control has passed it I will extend
it an modify it fk them, bonus as they will accept a tin roof of similar design to my outbuilding rather
than slate, easier and cheaper for me to change it later:D:D
Just using the power they have got for no good reason.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Morning all ...

Cats fed, bins emptied and washed ...

2nd cuppa downed, Dad shopping today and to pick up a few bits as the 'crash here' before the Stag Do tomorrow for Number One Son and Son-in-Law ...
Others are starting from other places, after the do the zone will be Hertfordshire, feel sorry for them ...
Hope you all have a lovely time!:):):):)
Gonna be hot here today, not seen that for a while.
I still have to put the front prop back on the Disco as we are going to a "vide grenier et brocante" tomoz in a town some distance from here.
So I'll be opening the pool soon to see how cold it is and to give it a chance to warm up a bit.
Wifey is banging on about all the theatre and a weekend she is going to spend with her crumbly friends, this coming winter.
I have told her I think she is being a Covidiot but it is falling on deaf ears, I'm afraid. Maybe I'm the one being the idiot. Dunno.
Just wouldn't want to sit in a theatre 1 metre away from peeps possibly with it for 3 hours or more, even if there is some form of aeration. Sure they'll check the QR code and take your temperature. But that isn't foolproof.
I'll shut up now.:(:(:(
so have a nice day folks!:):):)
...that I have had a massive erection this morning. It is a towering wobbly monster.
Afternoon folks:).

Did a bit of work today but again to ot so retreated inside and did a bit of clearing up in the garage.

M went back into town and did some bits, came back with a coffee machine that looks like a bloody space ship. It looks like it might need a bloody code reader but I cant find the OBD port on it to plug the IID Gap in;):D.

Makes cracking coffee though:D:D.

Friday wahoooooo:):).
