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Mate, you are so helpful.:):):):)
I will take all you say into account and act on it.;);)
The new one has 300 gig roughly. I have looked at how much space my existing files take up and they should fit into this. Just. But I will take it carefully and not try to put too much on in one go.
As I now have a phone (Alcatel android) which works ont internet. I'll have to get a virus thing that works on more than one machine, unlike the one I already have .
I have also thought about putting some files on another hard drive or even onto Disc, does anyone do this nowadays?
I think I might also have access to some sort of a cloud. No idea if that is a good idea or not, nor what it costs. All stuff for me to research.;););)
Cheers again mate!!!:):):)
Find out what type of drive it is. Normal spinning or solid state ssd. The later being more reliable.

Yer can easily put a biggerer drive in. Transfer old drive content to new.

Not sure why yer gorra nuvva machine. Old one just needed a keyboard if eye remembers correctly.

Yer best to have all yer files on yer phooter. Then have two separate backup drives. Make a regular backup to both, in case one fails. Cloud options are available. Some are free but only for a short time or limited space.
Lovely weather here too.
Bin out int garding to do a tiny bit for Wifey.
Spent rest of time playing with my "new " pooter, only to discover that it is older than tother one, only has 320 gig HDD and originally was equipped with Windows 7. Tother'un came with Winders 8:rolleyes::mad:.
So when the guy who flogged it to me said it was a Windows 10 machine, he was being a bit liberal with the terminology.
Spent AGES searching the house for my big remote plug in Hard drive. Went through every computer bag and briefcase we own, no luck until i had a brain wave and looked in the bottom of my camera bag. There it was.:rolleyes:
That little baby has 90 gig. So I could use it to test what will and what won't run on the new pooter. Most things do, so that's OK.
So I am in a dilemma now, as, since I finally had the sense to uninstall the old keyboard on the Samsung notebook, it is behaving fine.
Thinking of flogging the "new" one and looking about me for a proper new one.:rolleyes:
If you want a laugh it is called an "Acer Aspire" and no I had never heard of it either. FFS!!!
Having to sit with my dodgy leg above the height of my hip the whole time, is a right pain. And gives me back-ache!
did some research on DVT yessdi and didn't come up with much other than that and "do a bit of exercise".
Have a lovely evening folks!:):):)
A win 7 will upgrade to 8 or 10 usually. Yer may find a small problem with the hardware but not always. My desktop will go from 7 to 10 soon, but needs a newer wifi plug int module as the current one int supported by drivers that run in 10. When it goes to 10 it will have some stuff disabled like that corona walrus search fing. An additional program installed to give win 7 style start menu.

The size of yer hard drive is only part if the spec. How many processors yer gottid, their speed, amount of ram and its speed etc make up the real power it has. Size of drive is important but the speed of the drive also makes a big difference. If yer video editing then more power is required. If just web surfing and emails then not much is needed.