Well that went quite well. Drilled out the old rivets, old cap came oft nice an easy.
Offered up the new one an all the rivet holes lined up. Gonna look nice, I thought.
Cept I then realised the holes for the lights were smaller than on the original

Can't send em back coz I matted the galvy back coz it was wery shiny.

Bastid x2
No way of openin them up today

Bastid cubed
Had to put the original back on

Uber Bastid
Pop rivets I gots is too long, so there's a pip left inna middle

come on!
I was wery wery good. No tools were lost through launching them into space, an no small furry animals was harmed . Am quite reflective bout it all. I has learned some stuff, an no harm done. Maybe I is unwell..
Will go sweetly next weekend I is sure
How was your day??