I would just like to say

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Morning All :D
I had just got into bed and turned the lights out when I heard some "Clonks" as large rocks were turfed off the raised flower beds and onto the patio.
I went downstairs to the back door and turned the floodlight on and surprised Brock, who was leaning on his spade and having a fag. :)
I opened the door and told him to "Hop-It!" and put all the rocks back in place and came back indoors and washes all the mud off my hands.
It is very cold outside at 11:30 PM when you have nothing on but your slippers I can tell you! :rolleyes:
He came back at 3AM for another go, but we saw him off again (herself's turn to stand there starkers at the back door).:D
This battle may go on for some time. :oops:
Have a great day everyone. :D
So both of you still sleep in the all-together!
there is hope for us all!:D:D:D:D
Its Saturday, the real one. Got a couple of terrace slabs in this morning. Early finish and bath. Now its watching 22 men kick a leather bag around an empty stadium, whiskey bottle is open and glass filled, SWMBO is in the kiching cooking a kurry. I likes Saturdays. :cool:
Its Saturday, the real one. Got a couple of terrace slabs in this morning. Early finish and bath. Now its watching 22 men kick a leather bag around an empty stadium, whiskey bottle is open and glass filled, SWMBO is in the kiching cooking a kurry. I likes Saturdays. :cool:
Could take a while this slabbing job if it’s just Saturdays two at a time :D
I have finally managed to get the new mill installed :)
We've got one, with London water being as hard as a Brummie with the pubs shut, we need all the help we can get ...
Was searching for them today and peeps on a plumberer forum were calling them snake oil as it's just passing the water through a magnet. It's said it joins the molecules/atoms or whatever together, so they dun't stick to the pipes. Sold by screwdfix and other pukka shops... eye guess it must be pukka.
Was searching for them today and peeps on a plumberer forum were calling them snake oil as it's just passing the water through a magnet. It's said it joins the molecules/atoms or whatever together, so they dun't stick to the pipes. Sold by screwdfix and other pukka shops... eye guess it must be pukka.

Far as I know scale only forms when water is heated to a certain point, think it's about 50C. How aligning the molecules in cold water makes any difference I don't know, or even if it's possible at all. Calcium Carbonate int ferrous so is unaffected by magnetic fields?

Reckon is hokum.

Though I might be wrong
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Far as I know scale only forms when water is heated to a certain point, think it's about 50C. How aligning the molecules in cold water makes any difference I don't know, or even if it's possible at all. Calcium Carbonate int ferrous so is unaffected by magnetic fields?

Reckon is hokum.

Ours is on the central heating circuit dunno what does there ...