Our place in frogland has only the master bedroom and the walk-in wardrobe floored in wood, the rest of the house is in matching floor tiles. Only thing when it is feck-off hot. Also when it gets cold, the underfloor heating comes through it well, when we bother to put it on!
Looks nice, they are very nearly white so make the place very light, and they are easy to keep clean. The dogs do get a bit of "paw-spin" on them though!
Oh and the front edge of each step on the stairs is in hardwood, to match the bannister etc. About 2" deep. Less painful than a hard tile edge!
But yours must be a bit of a rare thing in Scottyland.

How do we put it, less Hacienda, more Macienda? (That only works in writing, not in sound!) Or the Pond-a-Rosa!
Hmm! Fun!
The walls aren't Adobe are they? More Microsoft Word?
I'll give up now!