I'm becoming a reglar down the orspicle.
In today with my gut.
(Took a wheelbarrow.)
(Thort i'd get in before you lot.)
Had a female prodding and squeezing my gut.
No real idea so starting me on Mebeverine.

Still, losing weight, no booze actually isn't that hard, just borin!
Wifey spring cleaning the living room to within an inch of its life so I get continuously told to "take this, decide if you want to keep it and put it somewhere else."
Feck me.
House, garage, trailer already full of cack.
Still her walrus test result came through, in 16 hours, negative as we knew it would.
AND she now knows when she will be getting her 1st jab.
THANK FECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't imagine the ear bashing I've been getting, "When am I going to hear? Why haven't I heard yet? All my friends in Poole/Bournemouth have heard! They should be doing my group!! blah, blah, blah"
I got down on my knees and offered up a prayer of thanks to whoever works these things out.