Sympathise, ours do similar.
but it's more drawn out. the youngest "needs" to be taken out at least once in the night, we tend to take it in turns, and i never had kids so i think it is very much a bit much.
Then again earlyish in the a.m. so out they go again, then back to bed until the young one decides she wants a game, usually throwing her squeaky ball. but they settle down eventually and if we don't set an alarm we can not wake again till 10, 11, or even later. 11.30 this a.m.
Much worse in the winter. We do surface earlier in the summer.
But I will start setting an alarm tomoz as I have so much to do and must get on with it.

What was that song called "January" ?
Sick and tired you've been hanging on me
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go
Don't go
Don't be cold
Don't be angry to me. You make me sad
Come and see
Don't go
Don't go
Life gets me higher
I can show
I can go
I can wake up the world
Little world gotta know you
Gotta show you
Like a fire
Carry on
Don't be gone
Bring me out of my home
Sweet home
Gotta know me
Gotta show me
You've been facing the world
You've been chasing the world.
Sick and tired you've been hanging on me
It's a flyer
Sunny days
Fly away
English summers are gone.
So long
Gotta go up
Gotta grow up."
Yeah right, at 65, i've gotta grow up, and get me harris outa bed!
They just don't write songs like that anymore. Thank god. what a load of twaddle!

There, i've started!