I would just like to say

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@DanClarke .
Chapeau sir. I dunno how you do it.
Surrounded by so much uselesness, laziness, ineptitude, incompetence an downright guile I'd have gone postal by now. Taint fair. Bastids the lot of em.

In reference to the above, in appreciation to you, an to all those of us left who have a modicum of ability, skill, application an kindness, in a world burgeoning
full of snowfluks..

Fuk em, an Appi Crispmus. :D
@Stanleysteamer .
a) Yep you're right, continuity jus finds a good route else where.
27) No, is onna surface, see above.

Is only three bars inna centre, an I don't really give a damn who's behind me really.
Jus one of them things.
SWMBO mucks about wif joolererery, will borrow a loupe.
I think that is your best bet.
And wive's who like Tom is summat we have in common. Her Xmas presents this year are a F off big, fancy, jewellery case @ £200, FFS and a diamond tester.:rolleyes:
Still it keeps her happy!
I have loupes I use for mucking around with watches that go around your head, if you know what I mean. so one of those and a powerful torch.
Best of luck!:):):)
I think that is your best bet.
And wive's who like Tom is summat we have in common. Her Xmas presents this year are a F off big, fancy, jewellery case @ £200, FFS and a diamond tester.:rolleyes:
Still it keeps her happy!
I have loupes I use for mucking around with watches that go around your head, if you know what I mean. so one of those and a powerful torch.
Best of luck!:):):)

Ang on, who the hell is Tom!? I int met no bloody Tom! :eek:

Righto you luvli lot. I has a job onna side inna mornin an has to be risin (if not shinin, thank jeebus) early.
Sleeps well, keeps well, green oval.

I just gave the wifey her wee mini cooper & got her a private reg on it with her name on it.
The plan was to keep it until crimbo but my mate (who has a set of keys to my unit) wanted
in to work on his car, an I said its full atm but his wife is a noisy moo wanted to know why I
wasnt letting him in. :rolleyes: Got numerus calls for different things to get ramps/tools/paint ect ect
She's the type that would sneak in for a look :mad: so ended up just driving it home.

She's delighted so Happy Christmas lol :):)
Oh definitely him (the little sh1t). He once asked me if I could convince his sister to support him in trying to persuade his own mother to take out equity release so he could get his hands on the money to pay his debts.
I said not a chance mate, you just ask her. He did, she said "get-stuffed". :)
Cannot like this enough. Seems she is hanging on to her marbles, as well as her geld.:):):):):)
Wifey's mother was "unduly influenced" by her youngest son who lived closer to her than we do. Whenever wifey went up to visit her in whichever sh!t home this son had moved her to, she found her stuff had been nicked, she wasn't getting the right medication, neither her clothing nor her body had been washed, etc etc. So wifey would complain, check the visitors records to find out when he had last been to see her. Answer? some time last century. :mad::mad::mad:
After she died we assumed that our eldest daughter was her executor as that was what had been organised and agreed. She had had a nice house but we discovered said sh!thead had managed to persuade a solicitor she was "of sound mind" (dementia was clearly on her medical records so the solicitor should a bin shot.) So she changed her will in favour of him and his breed. :rolleyes:
He must have been a bit p!ssed off to realise that if it hadn't been for Wifey's interventions she'd probably have died a bit earlier. :rolleyes:
Anyway, he got a few grand out of her both before and after her death and he made the will worded so that we couldn't attack it, by making his ma state that the will was in his favour as wifey had never done anything to help her. This depsite any agreements we had had with him.
He left us some scraps, as he thought, in a storage place, didn't dare show up, but we were pleased to discover he didn't know gold from plastic nor could he recognise a valuable book when he saw one.
But Karma better get on with it or we'll be giving it a helping hand!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Thort my family was bad, it's like the Waltons compared to hers!:rolleyes:
Ang on, who the hell is Tom!? I int met no bloody Tom! :eek:

Righto you luvli lot. I has a job onna side inna mornin an has to be risin (if not shinin, thank jeebus) early.
Sleeps well, keeps well, green oval.

Tom =tomfoolery = jewellery in cockanee rhyming slang! ;)
Didn't you ever watch The Sweeney:rolleyes:;)
Sleep well!:)
I just gave the wifey her wee mini cooper & got her a private reg on it with her name on it.
The plan was to keep it until crimbo but my mate (who has a set of keys to my unit) wanted
in to work on his car, an I said its full atm but his wife is a noisy moo wanted to know why I
wasnt letting him in. :rolleyes: Got numerus calls for different things to get ramps/tools/paint ect ect
She's the type that would sneak in for a look :mad: so ended up just driving it home.

She's delighted so Happy Christmas lol :):)
Bet the reg cost more than the Mini, knowing what you paid for it!
Enjoy the rest of it!
I just gave the wifey her wee mini cooper & got her a private reg on it with her name on it.
The plan was to keep it until crimbo but my mate (who has a set of keys to my unit) wanted
in to work on his car, an I said its full atm but his wife is a noisy moo wanted to know why I
wasnt letting him in. :rolleyes: Got numerus calls for different things to get ramps/tools/paint ect ect
She's the type that would sneak in for a look :mad: so ended up just driving it home.

She's delighted so Happy Christmas lol :):)
That's you on the nest from now 'til the new year then :p