Please, please, PLEASE tell us about your midge machine, as wifey suffers real bad with mossy bites!

Cold here in the Frog mountains and wifey making the sort of "I'm chilly, it's chilly" noises that mean I'll have to get the log burner going soon. Only trouble, don't think I have any dry kindlin, although loads of logs cut and indoors. But maybe I have. Can't remember as did it near on 12 month ago.
Immersion playing up too. Water in tank getting cooler as we have had three days with no sun, so may need to sort that out. Power to it Ok, tis the thermostat/switch which is orl rusty. (Condensation that happens in the cupboard during the winter, must be to do with 300 litres of water in tank only getting up to 10 degrees when we are away.
Still, they have our freezer in, down in Carcassonne! My phone call of Saturday must have got them going, for once. Debating whether to drag a mate with me to help load it, though hoping either I can do it on me own or someone there will lend a hand!
Will get it after lunch.
Still, weather supposed to be improving back up to 27 degrees after today!
Have a good day all!