I would just like to say

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24 degrees tis nearly 30 in the house with the windows & doors open way tooooo hot:(
I forgot to turn the fire down after I lit it :oops:
Ye old wheel & tyre combo discussion haha I fitted 265/75/16 cooper at3s with modulars
10x16 with -32 offset they sit flush with the 75mm extended arches. :cool:

Ive got a BDR sankey last year but been busy doing other jobs plus I was ill for a bit so I didnt get
any free time to do anything with it...
Just managed to fit my nato hitch last week. :) I want to kit it out for camping ive got another
trailer for general use.

All sounds good.
Looking forward to seeing the pics!:):):)
..... the "repel-boarders" manoeuvre was "almost" successful. :(
My son baulked at sorting his house out enough to have his kids sleep & live there, while accepting it's good-enough for him to rough it as he has been doing for 6 weeks.
The 4Metre worktops were sanded and oiled by my missus in preparation for being fitted next week.
The upstairs landing is a filthy "tip" as the bathroom works are causing mess which is being trodden all over the house.
There's a 56" wi-fi connected led TV on the wall in the lounge so the kids can have Netflix & other online entertainment sources.
Place just needs some rounding out. :rolleyes:
Bastards are back here for a bath. ;)

Finkin erbowt it logically... av they evva bin kampin? Slummin it int tent ferra week wivvout all the mod cons like a brand new poo brown kitchin. Wurf remindin them how much fun it wud be ter moov int and pretend it's kampin wiv all the mod cons. Just need sum carpits fust. Yer can fit em yerself. They roll oat un nail down afta yer taken up that orribul wud floor. ;)
Finkin erbowt it logically... av they evva bin kampin? Slummin it int tent ferra week wivvout all the mod cons like a brand new poo brown kitchin. Wurf remindin them how much fun it wud be ter moov int and pretend it's kampin wiv all the mod cons. Just need sum carpits fust. Yer can fit em yerself. They roll oat un nail down afta yer taken up that orribul wud floor. ;)
I think the kids are "fine" with the adventure. It's my son that's being awkward.
Eevnin tur us frens. This wurk bizniss be ard. Us boys ev forgot ow ard. An us be doin garden an us dugs at weak end anorl so us be absent vrum roll-call. Midweek us vreezer frew in the towel. Us got new'un zmornin, got un inter place an ztarted tur level un. Then us remembered all us 22mm OE zpanners wuz at wurk. Wurk be a bastid but beer tokens be gude at end uv munf.
Opin orl frens be well.
..... the "repel-boarders" manoeuvre was "almost" successful. :(
My son baulked at sorting his house out enough to have his kids sleep & live there, while accepting it's good-enough for him to rough it as he has been doing for 6 weeks.
The 4Metre worktops were sanded and oiled by my missus in preparation for being fitted next week.
The upstairs landing is a filthy "tip" as the bathroom works are causing mess which is being trodden all over the house.
There's a 56" wi-fi connected led TV on the wall in the lounge so the kids can have Netflix & other online entertainment sources.
Place just needs some rounding out. :rolleyes:
Bastards are back here for a bath. ;)

View attachment 217699 View attachment 217700
So close, yet so far!!
Looks like your missus has been doing her bit. Good on 'er!
Glad they've got the TV up , must have the necessities of life before the rest of it!:rolleyes:
Eye as bin lukkin ut me morgig un fink eye can put er lumpy bit onnit ter end it soona so eye pay the bastids less intrest. Eye gerra fine burreye still be betterer oft afta fine sowwit still be wurffit.
Do it but give em enough notice to avoid any fine. (Presumably you mean early pay off penalty or somesuch?) Three months is normal. Yep sure tis worth it, we did it on two houses, never regretted it. In fact it helped us get the place in France. And make sure the interest is worked out daily and thus drops as you pay back the capital, used to be called an "australian" mortgage. So you pays it off faster. (Daresay all are like it now but they weren't when we were doing it.)
Go for it!