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Any shedupdates today @DanClarke ?
None for yesterday I'm afraid. Too rainy.
Am hoping to get out there today and put some shelves up. I have Varnish on order for the floor and the walls, just to seal & protect the surfaces.
I tried my LED lights across the battery yesterday and they sure are nice & bright. :D
Cool & damp today here :)
Just been out for her paper and now it is time for some coffee.
I will order some wood today for the shelving and a new hasp for the shed (old one off previous shed is a bit rubbish).
If I can get the shelving up this week, then I can order a skip for all the debris of the old shed and the leftover junk and fill that next week.:D
Cool & damp today here :)
Just been out for her paper and now it is time for some coffee.
I will order some wood today for the shelving and a new hasp for the shed (old one off previous shed is a bit rubbish).
If I can get the shelving up this week, then I can order a skip for all the debris of the old shed and the leftover junk and fill that next week.:D
Have you seen the cost of a skip!!!!! I couldn't believe just how much they charge.:rolleyes:
I have spotted a magenpie hereabouts a couple of times, a very rare visitor to me garding. I think he is nicking baby spuggies from their nests :(.
You're right. I have got one which sits and waits just about 2 metres (!) away from the wee dog as he tries to eat his raw chiccy wings out in the garden..:mad:
Round here a 4-Yard skip is £165 and the list of things you cannot put in it is as long as your arm. :mad::mad:
Me local recycle centre charges me £9 for a car boot full of rubble. The council have a list of vehicles which are not allowed on site, but specifically list land rovers as permitted :). So I pump me rear tyres up to 48psi, load up to max (plus a bit :eek:), check there's still a bit of travel on the springs and off we go for a jolly landy ride. Good value I reckon. I can get a LOT of rubble in the back with the seats folded up out of the way.
Me local recycle centre charges me £9 for a car boot full of rubble. The council have a list of vehicles which are not allowed on site, but specifically list land rovers as permitted :). So I pump me rear tyres up to 48psi, load up to max (plus a bit :eek:), check there's still a bit of travel on the springs and off we go for a jolly landy ride. Good value I reckon. I can get a LOT of rubble in the back with the seats folded up out of the way.
I always thought Land Rovers were a bit persona non grata at the tip and were sent down the commercial waste route. Learnt something new....
Me local recycle centre charges me £9 for a car boot full of rubble. The council have a list of vehicles which are not allowed on site, but specifically list land rovers as permitted :). So I pump me rear tyres up to 48psi, load up to max (plus a bit :eek:), check there's still a bit of travel on the springs and off we go for a jolly landy ride. Good value I reckon. I can get a LOT of rubble in the back with the seats folded up out of the way.
That's fin e if the tip is not far away - mine is a 48 mile return journey which makes it an expensive trip when it has to be repeated frequently just to dump the rubbish. Although I do not condone fly tipping, I can certainly see why people do it round here. We used to have a wonderfully organised privately run-one in our nearest little town but then the council refused to continue to pay them to run it, choosing to have it closed down and for everyone to have to make long journeys instead. Savings for the council, NOT good for the planet.:(
I always thought Land Rovers were a bit persona non grata at the tip and were sent down the commercial waste route. Learnt something new....
It will vary from one council area to the next depending on local policy. My area permits all landies, but prohibits sign written vehicles unless they have applied for and been granted a permit. I still need a permit for my trailer as it is of a size which requires one, the permit is free :D and stuck on my windscreen.