I thought George Michael was around, cause I did get a mighty bashing from the rear, but it turns out is was my own wheel hitting me at close to 70MPH
I'm feeling slightly retarded, cause I spent the whole day servicing my vehicle, got on the motorway, and marveling at how much extra power I had, I wound it up to 70MPH.
Felt a odd fishtailing, and the wheel was off. Got it stopped pretty quick, and looked in the mirror just in time to see a fast approaching wheel. It collected the rear offside corner, smashing a few lights, the bumperette, and denting the fender a bit... Just about got the wheel back on, tried to move the vehicle, and no gears. Also the brake drum is awol !
Now the wheels were sitting on spacers, have to have them with those axles, and I fitted the wheels late at night after a really long day with some help from Kris and Mark , so I'm hoping it's just that I totally forgot to tighten the one wheel and it's not something more ominious like the wheel spacer nuts are different to regular steel nuts and I somehow mixed them up
Anyway, I got home courtesy of the AA, and put all my kit into my MOD 90, which I also fitted the wheels too, so God and my Wheels willing, I'll see you tomorrow at South Mimms.
Now questioning the wisdom of running two vehicles when I am desperate to get one ready for an expidition....