Come on that’s a bit harsh.
The long termers on here rarely post problems. If they do then they follow advise and finalise the fix so as not to pay huge bills at the stealer. What we see on here a lot is regular maintenance that has been lacking by POs (due to cost or not knowing). Or tips on how to do this yourself rather than pay the stealers.
A lot of members on here buy a bag of sxxx (or is that one of the so called reliable RRs) and fix it to get a nice reliable runner that may have previously been lost.
I would agree loads come on with, “I am so happy got me a Landy, but this don’t work or this or this” or “I have owned it for years and now it’s run out of oil why?” Get their fix and disappear. Maybe they were the ones with the reliable RRs?
So are you saying you have an unreliable piece of xxxx because your here too? Or are you just here for help with your 101? Knowing you a little, I would answer my own questions with a no.
Have you totted up what yours has cost? Probably not.
When it comes to cost it really doesn’t matter if you are prepared/ capable to do the labour part of the work, which most here are, it actually works out cheap.
Henry is young and starting out and has a good base car, I don't see a problem with what he wants. Yes the list may slim down but, I am sure he will be going down the road in his comfy sofa at some point
