Forum software upgraded....

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I have just upgraded the forum software. Not quite finished yet there are a few bugs to iron out. Let me know in this thread if something isn't quite how it should be and have a look out for the new features (something to do with social groups, but I'm not fully sure myself yet)!
When you click on profile there is a square box thats blank. Along the top are some tabs click on these


Either I'm dense (which is likely) or I can't see these boxes. I've clicked on everything and nothing works. Do you mean the hide / reveal boxes? These work but i can't see the detail anywhere.
This is what I see.


  • lz.JPG
    91 KB · Views: 336
question: when I reply to a fred, when I go back to the normal screen it scrolls thru loads of messages afore I get to the currnet ones. is this normal?

I spotted that one, takes you to the tops of the page instead of the message you posted. Tagging issue?

Hope this is helping and is not annoying. I break things for a living so I'm good at this. Might not wanted to have known that.....
I spotted that one, takes you to the tops of the page instead of the message you posted. Tagging issue?

Hope this is helping and is not annoying. I break things for a living so I'm good at this. Might not wanted to have known that.....

Least we know who to blame;)
Not sure we're talking bout the same thing. if u reply to a thread n then g back to the main screen u have to wait while the screen scrolls thru loadsa mssgs (way before the one u replied to). then if u reply to another one, u scroll thru the same mssgs again afore ye r back at the top. maybe it is just the database updating the replies or sumthin? just wondered if u could get around that?
Not sure we're talking bout the same thing. if u reply to a thread n then g back to the main screen u have to wait while the screen scrolls thru loadsa mssgs (way before the one u replied to). then if u reply to another one, u scroll thru the same mssgs again afore ye r back at the top. maybe it is just the database updating the replies or sumthin? just wondered if u could get around that?

Looking for that while posting this reply.