Fitting a Canvas

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New Member
After ditching the hard top on my IIa nearly ten years ago, I thought it was time to fit a canvas. Only problemn is that second hand rag tops don't come with fitting instructions!

I've got buckles all over the place and i don't know what I'm meant to thread to what. Does anyone have any advice or pictures?

Also, is the back hoop meant to thread through the canvas?

Thanks, Rob
the easiest way of doing it is to fit your hoops first then lay your canvas out flat. the bit with the opening goes at the rear and the bit with no sides goes at the front. once you slide it over the hoops all the buckles etc will be near somewhere to fit them ;)
I can't believe I'm writing this but it helps if the canvas is on the right way round and not inside out!

For any one trying to fit a canvas for the first time I recommend that you try to take a look at one already fitted before you do it.
piggies said:
I can't believe I'm writing this but it helps if the canvas is on the right way round and not inside out!

For any one trying to fit a canvas for the first time I recommend that you try to take a look at one already fitted before you do it.
Easily done chap, we all make mistakes. :eek: :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

Regards WP.
It was finally the straps that fit to the screen (but inside the cab!) that gave it away. When I had it on the wrong way round someone told me that they were for holding the back screen up, so I didn't think anything of it.

After a week of the cab flapping about I went and knocked on the door of someone who had a canvas landy outside their house and the chap was very helpful after he'd stopped laughing at my effort!
He whos never ****ed up has never done nowt.

My latest **** up was to turn the electric off to the garage when we went on holiday, so if anyone broke in they wouldn't be able to see 'cos it would be too dark (I'd borded the windows up as well), and they'd walk into all the booby traps I'd set.

What's wrong with that you may well ask.

The ****ing freezers in there int it...............BOLLOCKS.