Engine Change - DVLA want SO much Info!

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New Member
North Yorkshire
I've just fitted a 2.5 N/A diesel engine into my series one and thought I'd better do the right thing and inform the DVLA by sending my V5 in with all the changes on. I also provided a receipt for the 2nd hand engine which I bought from a friend of mine who took it out of a 90 prior to fitting a 200tdi. Well today some 7 weeks after I sent my V5 into the DVLA I received a letter from them saying 'For us to update our records you must provide:

- a receipt of purchase on headed paper from a garage confirming engine number, engine size and fuel type for the replacement engine
- an inspection report from an organisation such as the AA or RAC
- an inspection report provided for insurance purposes or
- written confirmation from the engine manufacturer showing engine number and size

This has been fitted at home so I haven't used any garage services. I'm just venting here as I know loads of people who have done similar conversions, sent their V5s in with no supporting evidence and they came straight back. I'm going to ring them in the morning to see if they need all of the above or just one from the list. Anyone else had to do similar?
I would write back to them pointing out that you have no receipts for their records but have supplied them with the information they require to update the engine details on the V5. Why do they need all this shxte? Stupid little office worker living in a bubble.
I would write back to them pointing out that you have no receipts for their records but have supplied them with the information they require to update the engine details on the V5. Why do they need all this shxte? Stupid little office worker living in a bubble.

Well look at it this way. How many stolen defenders are out there? And the parts being sold on the Fle bay system boot sales and what ever way stolen parts are sold. But the motor has a # on it , and if it comes up on a stolen property list and you say my friend, then he says my friend, etc hard to find the thief. It does create a problem for honest people.

But it is a safety check for stolen parts
No its not anything to do with checking for stolen parts...Its just some officious **** whos new to that particular desk. The last few days they've got other more important things to think about...like how much pension they're gonna get. Or, maybe a female on the blob processed your request! lol

Had similar issues with a new car purchase...took three attempts and a phone call to someone else who actually knows their job before I got the V5 without 'paying for a replacement' (which was never fookin issued in the first place!)

99% of the time the DVLA are very good...but that 1% is a pain in the backside. Persist, and get to talk to someone ie the correct department and things start happpening ;)
good luck
I'm assuming your name is Russ, and not Jeremy Clarkson?

...what with jezzy bein so popular with cival servants at the mo and all!!
Fer fook's sake...
I still can't confirm just what engine my S3 has got. It says 2495cc on the V5, but I bought it as a 2286. I can only guess it's a Defender replacement. Isn't there a way of checking out the engine number to find out what you might have under your bonnet? It kind of makes a difference when doing work on it - like fitting a new carb! (It has the original S3 one) DVLA still don't seem to know about the lpg conversion either - only I bought it like that so have NO info about who did it, or when, etc. And as for insurance, don't get me started! Don't these numpties realise that a 20, 30 or 40 yr old (or more) Landy is likely to have had a lot of modifications... guess they all get rid of their 'cars' every 3 years.
Love that AA claim - who are they kiddin'?!!!
Surely the folk on this forum could rival their numbers for fixing it by the roadside?
DVLA !!!!

A few years ago they decided that all disabled vehicles, scooters and powerchairs, that were capable of travelling at more than 8mph had to be issued with a, free, tax disc. God knows how much that cost us all as I had to apply for over 120 for vehicles I had on rental, second hand ones in stock and loan vehicles. Then each year they send out a replacement, free but individually posted with a covering letter and a reply paid envelope (in case you no longer have the vehicle, more expense).

Now they are writing to me, again one by one, querying that each one should be taxed. I now have to write back for each one, sending a signed declaration and a copy of the manufacturer's handbook showing that it is capable of the speed.

Do they think that I wanted to get into taxing them? Do they think that I've enjoyed handling all the paperwork over the years? Do they think that, given the choice I would have tried to explain all this to old dears who have never had a car in their lives? Do they think that I enjoy tracking down missing tax discs and paying for lost V5's when the punters drop off the twig?

My local DVLA office is excellent (so they're now going to close it) but Swansea!!!!
i've had to do the same with my engine conversion. i rang them and they only require one of the above and that is just to confirm that the conversion has been done by a compatent mechanic/fitter and not by some moron and its not gonna catch fire etc. all you need to do is go to an independent garage and ask them to inspect the work you have done. they will then write you a letter to confirm the works to the required standard. i was charged a tenner for mine.
I just completed the formal complaints form when i received the letter asking for all the additional information.
Got an apology and my V5 updated and back in the post to me within a week, apparently 'cus it was tax free it didn't matter what engine i had in it' - i really didn't follow the logic, but, wasn't going to complain!!!
I just completed the formal complaints form when i received the letter asking for all the additional information.
Got an apology and my V5 updated and back in the post to me within a week, apparently 'cus it was tax free it didn't matter what engine i had in it' - i really didn't follow the logic, but, wasn't going to complain!!!
Hi Bump. Forgive me asking but do you know if this is still the case? I recently bought a 72 S3 LWB that's had a 200TDi conversion but it still says petrol in the logbook. I had a brief conversation with DVLA and they told me I had to supply evidence from a garage to say the work had been done and where the engine had come from. The swap had been done 2 owners back and I have no way of finding out who that is because of the DPA and no prev. keeper details on the V5. Also, the way it had been done, there's no way a garage had done the job!!! Many thanks in advance. G.
Hi Bump. Forgive me asking but do you know if this is still the case? I recently bought a 72 S3 LWB that's had a 200TDi conversion but it still says petrol in the logbook. I had a brief conversation with DVLA and they told me I had to supply evidence from a garage to say the work had been done and where the engine had come from. The swap had been done 2 owners back and I have no way of finding out who that is because of the DPA and no prev. keeper details on the V5. Also, the way it had been done, there's no way a garage had done the job!!! Many thanks in advance. G.

Considering this thread is over 10 years old, you'd do better in starting a new one ...

Welcome to the Loony Zone by the way ...
Most recent discussion on that forum.
Good afternoon folks
Towards the end of last year a club member tried to change the engine details on their S2, They got a letter saying that

"To update our record with the change of vehicle details, you must provide one form of evidence from the list below:
• a receipt of purchase on headed paper, from a garage, confirming the engine number, engine size (cc) and the fuel type for the replacement engine
• an inspection report provided for insurance purposes
• written confirmation from the engine manufacturer showing the engine number and size."

By DVLA's rules this is clearly not correct.

They reached out to me and I emailed the DVLA operative pointing out

"It is my understanding that under DVLA rules for historic vehicles " there is no requirement to provide any receipts to support the engine changes, the keeper would just need to annotate the V5C engine change section with the new engine number and CC's -if the CC's change."I have confirmed this with kits and rebuilds and can supply a copy of the email if required."

Fast forward to today and I have had an email from the club member copying a letter he has received which says that the corrected V5 is on the way.

If anyone else has problems with DVLA Central Casework Unit wanting extra information when changing engine details please get in touch.

Peter (with my VRO hat on
Considering this thread is over 10 years old, you'd do better in starting a new one ...

Welcome to the Loony Zone by the way ...
Many thanks- much appreciated. I don't think I need to start a new thread as Peter (wearing his jaunty VRO hat) has offered to help through this and also a FB forum. What a super bunch of people you all are!