Thanks for your response Brian. You mention the rear air bags and as you say, I can't get at them, but doesn't that apply to the front ones as well or am I missing something ?
I have been splashing about with my soapy water squirter and found very little topside except for a tiny bit of bubbling around the top of the air dryer, which stopped as soon as I pressed the pipe in lightly. So it looks as if I am off to the local village (Renault) garage and their lift. Are all of the pipes just a push-in fit ?
I have been reading the link you gave for the late Mr Whammers for which, thank you. He must have known far more about our cars than JLR ever did. Sounds like it was a full-time enterprise for him. I would have liked to have thanked him myself but perhaps he's listening.
I won't have time to buy and install the emergency air valves that you speak of although have certainly heard of such things. However I am wondering about the long-term value of fitting them. Is there a link you can point me to or can you briefly tell me how they are used in practice ? Would there be five of them, four corners + direct to the reservoir ? Presumably just pumping up the reservoir would provide the lift to the corners. Can these only be activated by a garage compressor or can one use a portable type ? How are they actually fitted ? Tee-fittings somewhere in the plastic plumbing ? Do they need some sort of bracketry or support and if so, where to put it ?
Speaking of plastic plumbing I had been warned by someone to be careful not to break the fragile pipes. Are they that fragile ? Are they easy to replace ? I have just seen them for sale on the Bay in 15 metre lengths and wondered i they should be kept, just in case.
Unlike the car, I am now under pressure to get this sorted out as I am already overdue for the biennial contrôle technique (= MOT). Thanks to the car being kitted out with LPG I have to go to a specialised MOT-shop an hour away. Do LPG cars need to go to a particular MOT shop in the UK ? (I haven't been there in about 12 years.).
In the hope of returning a little of the kindness and help I am receiving on here, I would like to offer the facility of among other things my EASUnlock to any folk travelling near me in S W France and who might get caught out without any pressure or who need directions to more support than my efforts. Is there somewhere on these forums to park such an offer ? All of which of course depends on my getting the P38 operational before British holidaying motorists start coming this way again. I suppose if we weren't optimists we wouldn't be driving (or not) Range Rovers would we ? I would also extend offers of advice to any folks mad enough to be planning to come and live here.
Thanks again to all.