Leaf is well known about, but it's a 12 year old design, which used bad battery management, and no form of environmental control for the battery, so they degraded. However a 12 year old leaf will still have 50 - 70% of it's original capacity, even at 200k miles, which shows the battery can be horrendously mistreated, and it still works.
Tesla batteries do fail, but again they are massively mistreated by the owners, who use the acceleration the vehicle is capable of giving, dispite Tesla telling owners that using excessive acceleration will shorten the battery and power units life.
Super charging is another battery killer, as it heats the pack up, causing cell degradation.
It's standard practice to maximise battery life by limiting maximum charge to 80%, and maximum discharge to 20%, or 10% at a pinch.
Most newer EVs have this already calculated into the battery, so you buy a vehicle with a usable capacity of say 70 kWhr, but the battery is in reality closer to 80 kWhr in total capacity.