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New Member
Takoradi, Ghana
Found this on my mate's 300Tdi Disco. Any ideas?



  • Disco.jpg
    32.6 KB · Views: 255
Hmm, looks the same from t'other side too. Apparently has part number FTC4228 on it.

Some sort of weight?


  • Disco_2.jpg
    33.9 KB · Views: 237
reet am guessing here but i think its summin to do with a winch that uses a flat strap (like the old threshers farmers used to use or the drive system in mills etc)..
some kinda pulley thingy and that wire round it is like a retainer to keep the strap from falling orf when it has slack in it.. anyway thats ma guess if i come up wiff owt else i'll let you know
Aint it a dynamo, so when your moving the lights work, or it could be a mini tumble dryer to put wet socks in, cocktail shaker?, space saver spare wheel?, something to bang your head on when servicing??
the previous owner found it on a scrap heap and thought " i know!! lets bolt this on here just to ruin the next owners day when he finds it"
Think you've hit the nail on the head there with the vibration damper bit. That big wire should plug into Karmens hardon and because of the close proximity of the diff housing it will act as a subliminal vibration dispenser. Thus foregoing the need of a minedoesthat repeater and an interdispersal unit, which in itself does away with the question of which tyres are best. But then I could be wrong. It could be the vehicle that was commissioned for the South African Curling team and it's a left over Curling thing.