Well D15KOE Playtime is over for a few days, big welding job in tomorrow and Thursday on a customers wee Van that the MOT Tester bashed big holes in ..........
Inner and Outer Sills, which means at very least Seats and Floor covering out before I start ................
The H/D GKN Greasable UJ's and the Cardon Bearing etc etc arrived today, so I cracked on with that and another "Never-Rover" job that reared it's ugly head last night and gave me a sleepless night thinking the Engine might have gone bang
More on that one after the front Prop-shaft Rebuild

So I'll walk ya through the pixels :-
Front Prop-shaft components all cleaned up / de-greased and light emery clothed the UJ Cup Bores and scraped out the Circlip Grooves ....
So as I haven't done a Prop rebuild since my last Discovery, the D1 300 tdi (says summat about Disco Props that does lol), and since this booger has that awkward double Cardon Joint, (2 UJ's and a wibbly wobbly double Spherical Bearing with a Needle Roller Pilot on the middle, I started at the easy end

Great that went OK, so lets have a go at the fiddly double 'Poppadom' end
First UJ no real issue, but note the big Eye Bearing which also has a small needle roller and an eye bearing in the end, I bought a new one of these, but there was nothing whatsoever wrong with the one on the Shaft, so rather than get the blind bearing puller out, and being a wise old bear, I opted to leave it there and see how awkward it would be to get everything all lined up without all the Needles and Spring falling outta that Bearing and also the possibility of dislodging the Needles in the UJ Cups , oh boy was I glad I did !! ....
During trying to get it all together at awkward angles to get everything in line some of the Needles dislodged and fell outta that Pilot Bearing and the wee Spring got lost under the Bench somewhere
Profuse words later, I fitted the new Bearing, Seal and Spring
Very very carefully, and now having some experience of what to expect and how to do it , the second attempt with the whole Prop-shaft at a different angle produced the desired result ....
The easy end ....
The PITA Double Poppadom ....
Jobs a good 'un, no tight spots or owt, luvverly jubbly, petite de journais as they say in peckham
A quick Pre Paint de-grease and a coat of Satin Black, I'll spend 5 minutes and fit it back on the D15KOE in the morning

And now, the Engine ..................
Last evening, pre dinner, I had the Snap-On Machine on the old girl to look at BCM, see if I could program those Key PCB's, nah not a chance, (to be fair I didn't expect it to), Nanocom required, so that job can wait
Whilst I was plugged in I scanned for Codes, (none I didn't expect), i.e. it has an A/C Code, but Car has no A/C, also now has EGR stuck shut Code, again, no surprises there because it ain't not got no EGR now

When I get it mapped I'll get that monitor switched off, and also get A/C not present coded in
So next I'm looking at live Data, to see what's what, gave it a good old rev whilst checking MAF and Turbo Boost, next thing a mother helluva Diesel knock and as it comes down to Idle the bloody thing is on 4 cylinders ARRRRRRRGH
Switched it off and restarted, still on 4, did that a couple more times and on the 3rd go it is magically back on 5, sounds real nice and it seems to be running smoother than ever
2 minutes later the loudest knock I've ever heard, sod that I switch it off in disgust

Time for dinner, so I walk off in dismayed, sick of the darned thing now.
Whilst munching, I remember the Wiring Loom inside the Cam Box that feeds the Injectors, as we all know too well, this is prone to doing the Oil Wicking poop down the main Loom and into the ECU Plug, oh OK so I'll have a look in the morning, that's not too bad, I'll order the parts to do it, I was gonna do it soon anyways
Bitties should be here Thursday, £45 ish for Injector Loom, Cam Cover Gasket and also with a couple of other non related bitties
Then I do something really stupid, and go searching the Internet and find tales of woe that Injectors were bad, some had bent Con Rods, Cracked Heads and untold other miseries etc etc............. Hence the sleepless night.
Anyway, first thing this morning I fire it up, and there it is running sweetly on all 5, again it seems smoother that usual, that vibe I been saying is the home brew Drive Plate is almost undetectable ........... I ran it for half hour or more, up to temperature, revved it lots, really sweet no issues !!
So I switch it off and pull the ECU
The Wiring Plug from Engine, and ECU Plug Socket ....
Ah yeah, well that seems fairly conclusive then. I stripped the ECU, no oil inside it, stripped the Wiring Plug and gave that, the Wires and the ECU sockets a thorough rinsing, also cleaned out the Engine end Plug and Wiring

Now waiting on the Injector Harness and Gasket

So there we have it, the burning unanswered question right now is will it still have the vibration once it's all back together and been driven a bit to relearn it's fuelling
I sure don't wanna have to pull the Transmission and spend a bunch of coin if I don't have to

Fingers and toes are firmly crossed for now
Dinner seems like a good idea after a good day