as promised heres the biggest update yet!! i finally got the interior finished today
some carpeting going on,messy stuff!
back of it carpeted, please dont bitch that the woods not straight and true,as i said before its cheap easy and just put in as we went along because its only going to get ruined!
shot of the newly finished tank

thanks to shockwave motorsport for all the alloy welding (i.e ,the fabricator nick at my work!)
the fuel sender fitted and all wired up,and it works
another shot,from the passnger side ,all brackets and all of the sheet materials etc etc were cut and measured by me,then nick welded them up
another bracket
the front mounting brackets
the fuel filler pipe,breather box and fuel feed/return lines, all my own design
:0 shiny bits!!
bearmach +2" springs x4
procomp es9000 +2" shocks x 4
-2" terrafirma rear shock mountings x 2
-2" terrafirma front tubular shock turrets x 2
terrafirma HD turret rings x 2
terrafirma HD spring retainers x 4
terrafirma rear spring relocators x 2
little bit past it i think!
i think the old lift springs were slightly worn
shiny mounts and rear shocks fitted
i love zinc plating!
all back on the wheels now,decided not to fit front dislocation cones as one they havent arrived yet and two i could even get the front springs to dislocate with it hanging from a ramp!!
i like these tublar mounts,**** to fit though!
black hammered finish hammerite on the axles. lovely

not to expensive either\!!!!
the back end with a bit more carpeting done!!
sorry none of the pics are in order!! the axle breathers here
not the neatest job in the world,but it works and looks decent enough!
another shot of it, this area will be used to store dry clothes,dry gloves etc etc and the alloy underneath will be home to my cb radio and a few lights
mine and pauls attempt and forming an alloy strip ! not the best but hey ho it fits and it does the job which it was designed to do!
top corners of carpetting
got her outside fora few pictures after i washed it
as for this one,im starting to think im going to need to shorten the rear bumper once i have bigger wheels,but will see how it goes.
and thats all the pictures!!
all thats left now is a few bits of chequer plating, roof is being painted over the next fortknight,then big wheels and i can put her back on the road! comments please