Much work done over the weekend! Been planning to pull the inlet manifold off for a while to give it a good clean now all the other performance mods are in place. Surprisingly easy, from what I read most people find it a ballache to remove due to the location of the bolts but I got to all of em pretty easily. Was off in less than 30 mins!
Fuel cooler disconnected -
and inlet off, no leaks or otherwise. Cleaned up the whole area as well -
In for a soak in my tiny box

in some Mr Muscle oven cleaner for 30 mins, then jet washed and repeat. Finished off any stubborn areas with some brake cleaner. Went back in almost spotless!
Sadly I forgot to get a pic of the 97k worth of gunk that had built up in there! The inlet ports where pretty caked in gunk and there was a fair bit in the main area too. Now all clean

I did forget to buy a new EGR blank - Inlet gasket... So I had to make one from some boxes I had hanging around, new proper one en route.
Injector Harness replaced using a Leoni OEM variant -
Someone has clearly used a sh!te gasket and some RTV, took me 30 mins to clean it all off!
Replaced with a genuine LR gasket (was actually cheaper than the Elring ones I susually use!

) new VDO MAF sensor was also installed.
I did notice that the small EGR blank leak has gotten worse

somehow the lower bolt has worked its way loose, yet no amount of turning with allen keys, mole grips or Irwins would bud it! So it was a dreaded manifold off job!
Which came off with out a single stud sheering!!

VERY Happy about that indeed!
Also managed to remove and refit without disturbing the A/C, just undid the bolts, dropped the fan belt and nudged it forward a touch. Just enough space to remove the manifold.
One stud came out with the nut and that was replaced with a Wurth extended stud ready for a spacer but I dont have any
Refitted a dewebbed and machined OEM manifold, EGR blank sealed in place with sealant this time! Should help slow down any warping, at least for a while... then an Allisport
Copper flashed nuts where used, so when it does eventually warp it should be pretty easy to remove! Annoyingly I tore the turbo oil drain gasket again so there's a small leak, ordered 5 new gaskets this time so i've always got one! Heres hoping I havnt got to remove the turbo again any time soon!

Forge Motorsport Actuator
Drop in replacement. Not as easy to adjust on the fly as you have to disconnect the arm each time but it is much better quality than LR's.
Fitted -
Throttle response is smoother, boost comes on slightly quicker and holds more stable at max boost. Plus it shinnnyyy
Road test after all that was done and I *think* my Nanocom may be misreading the boost

and road speed!
Likely down to the boostbox confusing things which is being replaced with an uprated MAP sensor and suitable adjustments. According to my STACK boost gauge its actually a solid 22psi (tapped in just before the inlet manifold)
And of course a go faster sticker! Everyone knows it adds at least 10bhp...
The electric aerial did arrive and while it will fit, I can't fit it without either removing the wing or the entire brake servo soooo its staying off for the time being. However it may well fit on the otherside once i've adjusted my heater intake.
Also did the TD5 airbox mod by removing the fan/impeller in the airbox, much less restrictive now!
Finally the 90 has been sold! Gone to its new home in Maidstone, both sad and glad to see it go