Bin fiddling again.

The narrower rear seat wouldn't come back up when folded, it would once or twice after a couple of dozen trys but something obviously wasn't right. Reading the handbook it says the base has to be down fully before the back will come up. I took the plastic trim off that covers the floor locking mechanism and apart from lots of fluff it was corrosion free, cleaned it up and lubed and it worked fine. Put the trim back on and it stopped working again

trim off and it was fine

. The trim was 'just' stopping the seat base from going down far enough but the trim couldn't be fitted wrong and the carpet was clear so I was a little confused. I peeled back the carpet and found a tiny cap nozzle off a aerosol can under there

. Works great now

Also noticed the headrest on that seat wouldn't adjust and was jammed, then noticed it was back to front, dished padding facing the tailgate not the front

. No amount of tugging would free it, even removed the leather cover and the carpet board on the back of the seat but there is no access to the mechanism

Does anyone know how to free the headrest?
I do now

