I would just like to say

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Been on shiply as I found 2 cedar cladded garage doors in Stafford for 550 sovs. The ones on my planning are 4k each :eek::eek:bugger that I'll make them look the same lol. As soon as I confirmed the job I got a phone call for someone looking for 1200 slates delivered to Dunoon 50p a slate & my mate will deliver them for 100 quid.

Tis a funny ol world init. 🤣🤣
Yer like jumping off the bus before it reaches its destination, you'll save a fortune 🤣 🤣 🤣
I once did that. The bus was going faster than I thought and I ended up running to try and keep upright. Hit a bollard and injured my knee.
Couldn't go to karate for 2 weeks.
When I got back there they had back-squadded me to being "instructed" by a real richardhead.
Packed it in. Shame as I loved it. :(
Finding life a bit tough at the mo, being nurse, carer, housekeeper, cook, shopper, car mechanic, taker and fetcher of quilting stuff, etc.:(
As the weather was good this weekend I didn't take any time off but spent it on and under cars. Not that it did much good. :rolleyes:

Mate and I are discussing him possibly flogging his LR product to me as if not he thinks he'll sell it for parts. It's a running vehicle that needs a ABS sensor, or bearing, sorting out and it makes a bit of black smoke. Possibly via a turbo, or simply through lack of use.
80k on it, mostly driven on business by someone, I know little else of its history. Sorned at the moment with a flat batt, so although I had my Foxwell in the car, we didn't put it on it, which would have told us a lot more.
He keeps telling me it is a "straight six" but I don't think it can be as only RRs of the after 2020+ breed have these, I think it is a Disco 3 or 4 with therefore a dreaded V6 of the the "oh flip there goes the crank" variety.
He's a really good mate that I don't sadly see often enough. So I haven't questioned him too closely.
The issue with the gearbox is making me think a bit harder about it.
Before bed I have to sort out W's stoma bag with her then tidy up, a lot, do a dishwasher, wash a lot of stuff by hand.

Finding life a bit tough at the mo, being nurse, carer, housekeeper, cook, shopper, car mechanic, taker and fetcher of quilting stuff, etc.:(
As the weather was good this weekend I didn't take any time off but spent it on and under cars. Not that it did much good. :rolleyes:

Mate and I are discussing him possibly flogging his LR product to me as if not he thinks he'll sell it for parts. It's a running vehicle that needs a ABS sensor, or bearing, sorting out and it makes a bit of black smoke. Possibly via a turbo, or simply through lack of use.
80k on it, mostly driven on business by someone, I know little else of its history. Sorned at the moment with a flat batt, so although I had my Foxwell in the car, we didn't put it on it, which would have told us a lot more.
He keeps telling me it is a "straight six" but I don't think it can be as only RRs of the after 2020+ breed have these, I think it is a Disco 3 or 4 with therefore a dreaded V6 of the the "oh flip there goes the crank" variety.
He's a really good mate that I don't sadly see often enough. So I haven't questioned him too closely.
The issue with the gearbox is making me think a bit harder about it.
Before bed I have to sort out W's stoma bag with her then tidy up, a lot, do a dishwasher, wash a lot of stuff by hand.

Always find an hour for yourself.😉 Even a trivial walk to a shop for a useless magazine on platting nasal hair. 🤔 Wait hang on, do you want some back copies.
Expected to drive to bournemouth/Poole today to pick up the ordered pump overun stats.
But rang first to make sure they were there. (Noy having any other reason to go there.)
First I was told I had rung the wrong branch, so rang the "Poole" branch who told me that Poole and Bournemouth are divided by a line running down the middle of Wallisdown road, which is very nearby, in fact runs off the roundabout a few metres away, so I HAD rung the Bournemouth branch as it says on their receipt with their phone number.
so rang them back again, "Ou, Yur, that is us,". "Well, have they been delivered?" "Dunno", "Has a delivery arrived this morning?" "Yuh, I'll go and check" (Country and western music. do plumberers like that stuff? " Sorry mate no, not there." (looks on pooter) "none at any other branch or the depot, I'll have to get back to you."
A while later he rings back. "They were on the shelf, picker error, they'll be there tomorrow."

(Good thing I rang then innit!) Looks like their picker couodn't even pick his nose. :mad:

So sunny day, I'll get out of my glad rags, into my worky clothes and under the Pluriel, then under the Disco to prep it for MOT. Also need to fill the Pluriel up as we is off yet again the Bath to see summat.
Last thing we saw was "Boys from the Black Stuff." anyone else remember it Yosser Hughes "Geez a job, mate, geez a job?"
Didn't think it'd be much good as a stage play especially as it condensed a series into 2 hours and a bit. But it was OK.
Reminder of the early 80s. Tough time for workin peeps. Or not-workin peeps.

Havbe a good one folks! :):):)
I did very late last night watch a fillum, the Death of Stalin, which was quite interesting!
I enjoyed good comedy films like Braveheart love watching it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Patriot got to be up there too for sheer. Another oldie Last of the Moccasins, believe me I was pinned down and certified with a hernia.