I would just like to say

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Chateu Briande in me nosebag tonite. Washed down with afew beers :)
Nice one, now for the corrections to your homework,
Chateau Briande. That's all!!! and what the fuck were you doing eating that with beer when it screams out for a decent dry red, a Bordeaux or equivalent at the very least???
We WILL educate you!!!!:D:D:D:D
Nice one, now for the corrections to your homework,
Chateau Briande. That's all!!! and what the fuck were you doing eating that with beer when it screams out for a decent dry red, a Bordeaux or equivalent at the very least???
We WILL educate you!!!!:D:D:D:D
The Chef in the restaurant in Paris was disgusted when we kept sending it back and saying we wanted it "très, très bien fait" as it was still bloody except for the outer 1/4".
We were only young 20-25 year-olds on our 3 months of training in the IBM school at Vincennes, and very sure of ourselves and our British superiority (of course). :oops:
I liked the Bernaise sauce though. :)
The Chef in the restaurant in Paris was disgusted when we kept sending it back and saying we wanted it "très, très bien fait" as it was still bloody except for the outer 1/4".
We were only young 20-25 year-olds on our 3 months of training in the IBM school at Vincennes, and very sure of ourselves and our British superiority (of course). :oops:
I liked the Bernaise sauce though. :)
(And technically I avoided the reference to the circumflex accent on the "a" of "Chateau".)
We, Wifey and I on our first ever holiday in frogland, ordered a dish which involved the finest beef, and the restaurateur was aghast when we too asked for it to be cooked "bien cuit" . "eet weel taaste like rubbbbber" he said. "fuck it i said we are paying so do it the way we want." It was fine and came with an exquisite Roquefort sauce. So I echo your remark re the Bearnaise...
Times change and I now cook steaks much rarer. If the meat is of the quality that you could eat it raw, then why not? :):):):)
The Chef in the restaurant in Paris was disgusted when we kept sending it back and saying we wanted it "très, très bien fait" as it was still bloody except for the outer 1/4".
We were only young 20-25 year-olds on our 3 months of training in the IBM school at Vincennes, and very sure of ourselves and our British superiority (of course). :oops:
I liked the Bernaise sauce though. :)
P.S. I did once hear of an Italian bloke who sent the same pasta dish back 8 times as it wan't cooked "al dente" enough.
This from the restaurant manager I worked under, one Carlo dall Occo, who had been trained in the Savoy which was where he witnessed this!
I watched this about "renewables" Vs. "Nuclear"...... and it made a lot of sense to me.

Some interesting point but nuclear is only safe until it goes wrong. There's a chance of 1 in N of that happening. In the uk it hasn't so far. If it did then it would alter the balance of damage nuclear has done to the planet v renewable. That is a worrying figure and damage thats long lasting. Some of his renewable problems only occurr in merka.
The trouble is the cracks are so feckin narrow. You can barely get a knife blade in between them. so when a weed establishes itself it is very hard indeed to pull it out without simply tearing a bit off and leaving the root in there. And you can't get glyphosphates here any more. :(:(:(
So I think we'll have to get the finest sand we can, mix it with cement and ram it in there. :(
Yer can buy jointing sand that sets ard un dunt damage the top of the paving. Eye will gerra link.

Fer nasty weeds put fik bleach on the stem after yer pulled oot wot yer can. Dunt gerrit on top of the paving as it may stain. Eye has tried this recently un it diddid well.