I have done 28,00 miles in my mondeo since I bought it in April. Plus a few thousand more in hire cars, and a few more in landrovers. And that is an average annual mileage over the last 25 years for me.

Plus the annual mileage that I cover every year in boats, although that is usually calculated in hours. Plus some on planes most years.
I used to drive regularly to Scotland, 735 miles to MILs from Cornwall. Best time for the trip under 12 hours, usual time 14-16 hours, with 2 stops. Varies according to weather and traffic conditions.
First week if next year, I will be straight in with a 1,000 mile return trip to Cornwall, including local mileage while I was there.
Reckon you can keep up, young un ?

The speed you drive makes little difference on the long haul. A steady 70mph for 10 hours, you will cover 700 miles. I often see Jack the Lad fly past on the motorway at over 100 mph, risking their lives, and burning a lot of fuel. And often, I see them in services 4 hours later, because they couldn't maintain concentration at that speed for long.
And equally often, I am passed by similar on A roads, usually in a suicidal overtaking manouevre. And usually you end up on their bumper at the next roundabout.
They have burned all that fuel to gain 5 metres in actual road distance.