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  1. cox325

    tinted windows

    I took my alpines off to do mine, as it happens the ebay film wouldnt stick so binned it,It was more likely my toffee hammer fingers and touch of a baby elephant but putting alpines back wasnt that bad with plenty of washing up liquid and a teaspoon handle, worked a treat.
  2. cox325

    Light pods

    oh come on............:nopics:
  3. cox325

    Retrofit electric mirrors

    I expect theres a relay hidden somewhere too, assuming you have electric mirrors fitted. I'll have a gander in the old haynes after work.
  4. cox325

    Spoke to soon

    ive not heard it being common, would certainly expect the driver to notice increased vibration, noise and visually shaking of the car by the bolts being loose, let alone missing to the point of engine not looking right. the stress on the gearbox would surely express some vibration through the...
  5. cox325

    Attach a spade to outside without roof rack

  6. cox325

    Water Ingress headache - Passenger & Drivers footwell

    [/IMG] Ive had to resort to this, my water ingress is through the scuttle somewhere and into the box section that the windscreen sits on. It drips through the seem high up behind the steering frame.
  7. cox325

    extended gold warranty

    id go fr it, then spend 12 months inspecting everything, especially the expensive stuff, transmision and report every noise,creak and rumble. Get it detected early.
  8. cox325

    Stuck rear window - in the up position!

    oh I see now, well i suppose look at whats holding it up, must be the cable wrapped around spindles and ****, so cut it all away to free it up. Ive never had the fun of the back window, but done plenty of other doors on the freebie!!
  9. cox325

    Stuck rear window - in the up position!

    i suppose the only answer would be take the roof off to open the door then take door card off and replace cable etc. with the door closed it'll be tight against the seals etc. unless RAVE or landy dealers have a "special" way. good luck, take photos, I'm sure your not the first to have this...
  10. cox325

    a big job

    this is mine removed on Monday.
  11. cox325

    a big job

    I've just taken my dash out to source a water leak, the last one!! real pain, but doable. took about 4 hrs inc, brews, fag breaks and labelling up switch wiring. Discovery 300tdi Dashboard Removal - Discovery Forum - LR4x4 - The Land Rover Forum although its a 300, it helped with mine...
  12. cox325


    think gravity broke mine, new cable and plastic bits...good as new. Until the sun rises again!
  13. cox325

    Changing hi to low and back.

    mine was solid when I got mine, dont think it had ever been used. WD40, brute force and she's been like silk since. I got an auto, and at first took some "rocking" or a short drive 10-15ft to engage/disengage.
  14. cox325

    rain coming in when aerial cable comes into car

    is this for real? mount it inside. or go through the existing radio aerial mount and mastic when putting back together.
  15. cox325

    My disco

    Now thats the paint job I want ! Nice going.....
  16. cox325

    Front spot / fog lights

    get the bumper brackets and fit 5 or 6 inch spot lights. safari 3000 kit, comes with swtch ,loom and looks factory.
  17. cox325

    Front spot / fog lights found it for ya.........
  18. cox325

    Front spot / fog lights

    check out the other bonnet pod post on here first before you part with cash, seems pod was gash............
  19. cox325

    Bit of a build/repair thread (boot & body mounts)

    nice work mate, inspring too. Ive been holding out taking the dashboard out (find a leak!!) seems a little job compared to this!!
  20. cox325

    td4 m47 snapped crankshaft pics

    bet that was making a little rumble on idle!! perhaps even a clunking......must have been a flawed casting. Still at least you got to the bottom of it!!!!