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  1. tombardier

    Has my turbo just failed?

    I have similar symptoms to you Scottish senator24v. I've been thinking it might be a fuelling problem and intending to replace the lift pump at the end of the month. The previous owner put a new lift pump on although he didn't say why but I think it might have been a cheapy ****part one so...
  2. tombardier

    Disco/Range rover hybrid.

    I prefer the arse on the rangey as well. I'd prefer the range rover classic full stop though if I'm honest!
  3. tombardier

    discovery body change

    Well I like it :)
  4. tombardier

    No Gears, Help!

    The fact that you haven't mentioned trying in low and/or high makes me think that it has just dropped in to neutral like blackhadder says. Have you tried? Put gearbox in 1st gear, let clutch out, then put clutch in, take it out of gear, count 1.. 2.. 3.. and firmly move transfer stick in to...
  5. tombardier

    Timing belt replacement

    never liked using impact wrenches to do up things with gears and cranks and such. always thought there was too much shock going in to it!
  6. tombardier

    noisey adjuster pulley

    The penny trick might negate the need to replace the bearing? also, are you sure it's not just a crap belt? does the sqealing stop if you spray a bit of wd40 on to the ribbed side of the belt whilst it's running?
  7. tombardier

    noisey adjuster pulley

    have you done the penny trick yet?
  8. tombardier

    Timing belt replacement

    300 is easier than 200 because you don't have to deal with the seized bolts where the water pump gallery goes in to the block through the timing case. I had to take entire timing case off which took ages. If you're equipped to deal with snapped bolts and doing helicoils etc then do it yourself :)
  9. tombardier

    What the feck is this...

    I always wondered about that. Looks to have some kind of earth strap on it or something.
  10. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    Erm. Not one with knackered inner wings by any chance ;)
  11. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    Basically yes. Bit of a ballache job but happily I've got mot until July. Just don't want last minute stress!
  12. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    Tell you what. If I ever have to do it again I'm just buying the complete thing from yrm and not fecking around with thin pitted metal again. Worth the 80 quid in my opinion!
  13. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    I've just had the same thing. Took me 4 days. Pretty happy with it now though :)
  14. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    Just some automotive seam sealer :)
  15. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    Tiger Seal does adhesive as well as seam sealer, which you can use that to cover up your welding crimes too :)
  16. tombardier

    Disco 1 electrical problem

    My radio and interior lights are working intermittently at the moment. If I slap the bit of the dash under the steering wheel they come back, so I think I'm going to have to have a gander at the birds nest and see what's up :(
  17. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    There won't be any metal fusion. You'd be better off using pritt-stick. You can kind of get it held together purely by virtue of some of the gloopy bits of the separate metals getting a bit tangled together! :)
  18. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    There's just a couple of fixings at the bottom too, for plasticy bits like the sill finisher and some bumper trim. It's almost guaranteed to be less work to take it off than to leave it on though ;) Think the aerial is just a 19mm spanner, and the side indicator is a push, twist, pull thingy...
  19. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    I've learned that cutting corners like that just guarantees frustration! may as well start off by doing it properly, and getting the wing off really doesn't take long! :)
  20. tombardier

    Serious arch rot!!

    honestly. don't be under the impression that leaving the wing on will make things easier, it won't, it'll make it a right ballache, just do it properly and take it off :)