No Gears, Help!

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New Member
Dunfermline, Fife
Hi, I’m posting here for a friend as he is not really pc friendly.
Anyway, I got a call from him last night saying he has a problem with his disco 300tdi, as he reversed into his girlfriend’s drive there was a clunk and the car wouldn’t move. I told him to try diff lock but still nothing, the car goes into any gear without problem and you can feel the clutch engage and break but no drive at all and no grinding or unusual noises. We did notice a faint metallic knock when disengaging third gear like dropping a hardened steel bolt onto a vice from a couple of inches which we don’t think was there before but nothing else.
Has anyone got any ideas?
can you run through the gears with engine running not using the clutch ,hi,lo in gear ,could be clutch centre or box input shaft teeth stripped
The fact that you haven't mentioned trying in low and/or high makes me think that it has just dropped in to neutral like blackhadder says. Have you tried? Put gearbox in 1st gear, let clutch out, then put clutch in, take it out of gear, count 1.. 2.. 3.. and firmly move transfer stick in to high or low, then see how it goes :)
exactly the same happened to me no warning at all few months back
driving home no noises whatsoever turned up the hill from main road dropped from 3rd to2nd
let clutch out nothing no drive in any gears could select all whether clutch in or out
still had presure on the pedel tried diff lock high low nothing

was fortunate enough to have spare boxes and transeferes in my garage
so took down to my freind s garage where ramp was available to me
swapped over main shaft was just turning could have just been a bearing
but because i had other boxes just kept the trasfere and scrapped the box
tried all of above

as the last posts check the hi lo first

It’s going into hi no problem but won’t go into lo but I suspect that’s just because the transfer box isn’t getting spun up
I never tried going into gears without using the clutch, I suppose I still expect it to grind a gear but I did engage every gear and release the clutch.
My pall got the gearbox out yesterday and we took the transfer pinion gear out to get to the end of the main shaft. There is a fair bit of play in the end of the main shaft and when you turn the input shaft you can feel grinding, so it looks like the main shaft has sheared.
So he is now after a cheap gearbox or looking at replacing the main shaft and hoping nothing else needs replaced during the rebuild

We are in Fife Scotland if anyone has a gearbox going cheap ;);)