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  1. englishbullterrier

    Horn fuse

    Any good ?
  2. englishbullterrier

    Will a parrot bluetooth kit work with the hk stereo in my 55 hse td4??

    I installed this,a fine bluetooth unit that auto-connects as soon as ignition is switched on as long as you have your phone in you pocket. Blaupunkt Toronto 420 BT
  3. englishbullterrier

    Over Speed Buzzer

    I think Shirley, a one post wonder, has gone to ground....
  4. englishbullterrier

    3 amigos.!

    Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone UK Based Land Rover Forum, Land Rover Gallery and Land Rover Links. - Search Results for 3 amigos
  5. englishbullterrier

    Help please...cold starting problem

    Body to engine earth strap should be checked, it is the main return for the high current being drawn by the starter motor.
  6. englishbullterrier

    HRW not working, advice plse

    Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone and :search: UK Based Land Rover Forum, Land Rover Gallery and Land Rover Links. - Search Results for heated rear window not working Simple really.
  7. englishbullterrier

    Newbie needing help with Freelander 1 electrics

    UK Based Land Rover Forum, Land Rover Gallery and Land Rover Links. - Search Results for high level brake light
  8. englishbullterrier

    Electrical Issues: Side Mirror Heaters and Rear Screen Wipers

    Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone would be helpful for location etc.
  9. englishbullterrier

    Freelander high pressure pump seals

    Might help too - How to do it !
  10. englishbullterrier

    five years on !

    I've had two FL1's with hardly a penny spent on them. No 3 amigos, ird or vcu failure, rear window failure etc etc.
  11. englishbullterrier

    Heated Seat Switch

    Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone and :search: = UK Based Land Rover Forum, Land Rover Gallery and Land Rover Links. - Search Results for heated seat switch
  12. englishbullterrier

    TD4 Fuel Problem MIL light comes on

    Well done mate... ;)
  13. englishbullterrier

    battery life

    Sorry no, you're not correct. The voltage of the battery, at rest (which is the normal way to measure a lead acid battery) is to put the DVM in parallel across the battery. ie, one lead on each of the battery posts. To measure the current (amps), you have to remove on battery connection and...
  14. englishbullterrier

    big bang? :(

    Crankshaft pulley ?
  15. englishbullterrier

    battery life

    Excellent price for an excellent battery. :eek:
  16. englishbullterrier

    battery life

    Can't beat 'em. I lived in Latvia for over 2 years. -30c in the winter, never let me down. VARTA Online - All about batteries - VARTA Automotive, VARTA Consumer Batteries, VARTA Microbatteries, VARTA AG
  17. englishbullterrier

    Water injection

    Water injection is not uncommon in hot countries. I believe taxi's in Australia use it. Water injection (engine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. englishbullterrier

    Please Help!!!

    Introduce Yourself - Land Rover Zone
  19. englishbullterrier

    Freeranger D-Lander

    0 results found for 33134708533
  20. englishbullterrier

    what to do????????

    Ah well, another idiot with no manners bites the dust. Doesn't take much to be nice does it ?