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  1. Take5


    Looks like a drain plug of some description. The airbox on me 90 has a larger version on it so water will drain out but not come back up very easily.
  2. Take5

    Steerin damper

    I got deCarbon's on both 90 and Rangie. If you need to take it off and refit it's a tw@t, and the extra £7 for the Bilstein is worth it as you can remove and refit without damaging non-standard nuts that are fookin expensive to buy replacements for. I have a bag of nuts to fit deCarbon...
  3. Take5

    Different fuels

    I'm with Vengie on this one. RON is only a measure of how readily something will (or will not) explode/combust/ignite under pressure. The amount of energy released has little to do with that, that is the "calorific value" of the fuel. 2 fuels can have exactly the same RON number, but if one...
  4. Take5


    What yer need is an anti-matter warp drive - ask Minge if yer can borrow his spare ;)
  5. Take5

    Been busy with the welder again.

    I use me no claims on me Renault, Defender is £189 fully comp, no no claims, second motor, 12k miles. Same policy on me RRC is £289...
  6. Take5

    can anyone help????

    Tis a 300 TDi motor as air intake is on drivers side (X-flow on 300 motor). The rear seats are not County seats, but are a common addition - the late John Kellet always replaced them with bench seats and seatbelts on his rebuilds.
  7. Take5

    Been busy with the welder again.

    Or get down to Homebase and the plastikote high temp BBQ paint is good.
  8. Take5

    Been busy with the welder again.

    Ey up Vengeful, you got enough in the bank to buy a knackered Disco or RRC - you can get pikey to give you a hand weldin up the chassis anorl ;)
  9. Take5

    just purchased this any idea's

    Try these and go for the Viking job...
  10. Take5

    Whats the life expectancy of a Disco 300 TDI engine? (94/95 model)

    Should be good for 300k miles, although the injection pump is the weak link above 200k miles. The early ones had a habit of breaking the header spring if even the slightest bit of moisture gets in yer diesel. You can get them repaired at an authorised service place like Powerline in Shipley...
  11. Take5

    cleaner for injections ( p38 ) 1996 hse

    Yes, that's for diesel injectors. I would go with either Redex Injector cleaner, or Wynns injector cleaner. Empty the bottle into your fuel tank then fill it to half full and drive normally. Next time you fill up all will be fine.
  12. Take5

    Stranded in France

    Check your swivel bearing for play (rock the wheel by top and bottom). When my O/S went last year the lower swivel bearing needed replacing as well.
  13. Take5

    Don't always believe the experts!

    Depends where you get it from. Up here in Yarksheer, Morrisons have a blanket price of 54.9p and that hasn't changed since Christmas. Shell stations vary from 49.9 to 53.9 (Barnsdale Bar services A1 Northbound). Tesco's Express in Rothwell are 47.9, but my local in Harrogate is 67.9 - don't...
  14. Take5

    Hi Everyone Im Thinking Of Doing A Series 2 Hybrid

    You need a couple of bits of wood or metal so that when you make the 2 cuts (like in the picture) the chassis rails actually join. Position jig and cut, move it along and make second identical cut.
  15. Take5

    fuel prob????

    Oh heck, it's a 200 TDi on yours, might not be a filter built in. Have to wait for someone who knows the 200 engine a bit better - I've a 200 Defender but never had to do anything to it so far...
  16. Take5

    fuel prob????

    On the drivers side of the engine up near the bulkhead, you will see the fuel line from your tank going into a widget with a lever underneath it. It has another line coming out going straight to fuel filter. This widget is your lift pump, and the lever can be used for priming your fuel filter...
  17. Take5

    Hi Everyone Im Thinking Of Doing A Series 2 Hybrid

    Yep, dont do a straight cut, do it step shaped. You'll need to make a simple jig so that both cuts are the same shape when you marry up the two halves. Weld up, then overplate with 3-5mm plate all round or it will fail inspection. Just be warned that you will probably end up on a Q plate due...
  18. Take5

    fuel prob????

    My mate had a similar problem as he'd holed his filler pipe, going off road got **** in the tank which then rusted. Where the line from the tank goes into the lift pump, undo the cover and clean the mesh filter on there. If lots of mess, your going to need your tank cleaning...
  19. Take5

    Detroit vs ARB

    Half shafts take a pounding, if fitted to the front the extra strain with them engaged will do track rod ends and CV joints quicker. Don't know which is best, but I know quite a few people with ARB's fitted...
  20. Take5

    New Defender

    It depends on your insurer. My old V8 hybrid 90 with all the toys had a Toad alarm (Cat I) fitted, and as such I was paying about £180 fully comp insurance. Without it, it would have been quite a lot higher. As yours is a factory fitted unit, it is fair to say that removing something factory...