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  1. D

    cruise control td5

    Try here on LRAddict we had a thread running a while back about Td5 cruise control. I've fitted the loom, but not the switches yet, as i need to get the right sort of electric window switch (as i'm fitting it where the 'leccy windows goes on a late Td5 dash) but a few other people has wired it...
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    Best way to distribute power

    I've wired a couple of these up on friends cars: Very neat, one big +ve and -ve in, and you get two banks of fuses to power stuff. Ok, it might be pricey, but it's neat and stops your vehicle from going up in flames. available from VWP or Devon4x4
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    Td5 Transfer Box

    If your pockets are deep enough, then Frogs Island 4x4 near Wallingford should be able to supply and fit. they're good at what they do.
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    Rebel 4x4

    They will probably come up with some excuse that "the shows were on so your order was delayed", and now they won't have any stock in. I (tried to) use them once, for a snorkel part. the woman was very arsey on the phone, so i bought the parts from elsewhere.
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    Central locking in a k reg 90

    Like olmasters says, the bonnet release cable is pretty hard to pull at the best of times, so the actuator will have to be pretty beefy (and mounted securely too.... you don't want it pulling off of the bodywork instead of pulling the cable!) I think you can just about fit a CDL actuator to...
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    2.5 N/A symptoms

    Good write up, only one point: That's assuming the engine hasn't ever been rebored in its' past.
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    Engine management fault

    OR change the cable totally.Full write up here <---- The "driver demand" unit is the throttle pedal. so you could have a fault with it, but my money is on the cable as Shifty says.
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    Storage net for rear door

    eBay is your friend
  9. D

    before n after

    :D:D Still cheaper (by more than 50%) than a brand new 110 Td5 CSW. plus this one is all to my spec.
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    before n after

    Just a shade over £11.5k (that's parts alone, obviously as I did it myself then labour doesn't come into it, although that price does include things I couldn't do, such as galvanising, the paint job...epsom metallic green, powder coating and shot blasting) A few little more jobs, making...
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    before n after

    Yeah, I didn't hit much mud, but was covered in dust! only just finished building it, so don't want to wrek the paint job just yet ;)
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    before n after

    Landyman.... did you pass me last Thursday evening? I was parked up around Silk hill (SU 184 468) in my green 110 CSW, full external cage, scoffing a kebab :D you came up the hill heading towards the back of Bulford (There was a DAF 4 tonner parked just up ahead of where (i think) you passed...
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    ES Decal

    Available from your local stealer: AWR1153, £8.19 (See attachment) use a hot air gun to soften the stick stuff... should peel right off then.
  14. D

    Removing steering wheel hell!

    Leave the nut in place, then grab the wheel at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions, push your feet into the footwell then pull & wiggle (side to side) the wheel like crazy! it'll come loose eventually... it's on a tapered spline, so once it's loose it'll pop straight off.
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    Bonnet release catch a nightmare!

    ^^^^^ As they said, get the "striker" for bonnet mounted spare, currently part # AGB710020 £14.57. it's the spring and that threaded pointed part, all in one. I've got one on my 110, although don't often carry a bonnet spare, but with no wheel on, you pull that cable and "TWANG!!!" up goes the...
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    Bought myself an ex-army 110. need help..

    Whilst the brake lights arn't working, check whether the horn and indicators also work. If they all don't, then it'll be down the 6 way light switch. If it's turned to the "C" or "C&S" (convoy, or convoy & side) then everything else (horn,brake lights,indicators,hazards etc) are turned off...
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    Kwik-Fit Brakes

    I wonder what quality the parts are. And what 16 year old chav fits them too...:eek:
  18. D

    Bloody Stereo!!

    Earth. check the earth of the stereo and the lights. This is a classic automotive electrical fault, if ever something goes "off" when something else is turned on, then it's an earth fault. just try strapping another new earth onto the stereo (and onto a decent earth point) and on the...
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    Microcat prices ?

    Hmmm... If it's not got the pricing structure on it (god knows why, even the old EPC system had it) then you'rs must be very old (or corrupted) so even if you did get the pricing to work, then it would be waaaay out if date. I've got January 90 on my PC's here, PM me for my address and fling a...
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    I was driving along a dry river bed and......

    I'm in the UK, but my family has a place in Tarifa, waaay to the S.West of you.