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  1. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Phew im kn@ckered ! Been out for lunch in a beautiful little fishing village about 40 klm from home and my arms are killing me. Tested steering on motorway on way home, I can turn steering wheel about three inches left or right and f a happens! So yet another job that'll need sorting. I'm...
  2. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Freelander Knocking

    Oh forgot there's obviously a site for CRV fans, loads of videos of them ploughing though mud n water etc which to be honest they were never designed to do. They cope very well in my opinion. And being jap I'm embarrassed to say they dont break down.
  3. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Freelander Knocking

    Without looking I've seen that, not true to life in my humble opinion, I bought one a few years ago on flea bay for peanuts, loved the zingey twin cam, smoked it around for 18 months didn't put a spanner on it. Sold it 4 years ago for peanuts, looked on the gov check mot site, its still going...
  4. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Sounds similar to my story, drove on rough track ( how dare I in a LR ) started coughing spluttering misfiring all over the place, later noticed battery had become disconnected. Wouldn't go over 2500 rpm so took to garage, no fault found. Took a few journeys but just cured itself ! I recon it...
  5. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Freelander Knocking

    Not too far behind then lol. Shall see how it goes, I'm beginning to miss my CRV ! Ooops sorry bad language. 150000 miles, only changed liquids, pads etc. Probably coz when you poured in oil it stayed in the engine lol. Seriously good little motor, never pretended to be master of off roading but...
  6. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Freelander Knocking

    I blame the Chinese for all this knocking ! Someone, somewhere must be laughing all the way to the bank, making nasty cheap components and flogging them to us ! Guess I'm lucky in that as mine shakes and rattles so much, I can't hear any knocking. For so called tough off road ish vehicles, they...
  7. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Many thanks as usual, to start with although in theory now illegal here any imported goods can be slapped with an extra 20% import duty even second hand items ! They would tax them at the brand new manufacturers Rrp and add 20% so thats not viable. As with yours grumpy the brakes are adequate, I...
  8. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Only one problem, no breakers here ! Think I'll just replace like for like, if you saw the state of current discs I'm sure you'd agree ! Most important thing now is oil change and mounts as now getting a metal to metal drone when driving.
  9. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Sounds a bit expensive ? Will go for new standard discs for now, think I've got alloy wheels. Thanks again. Still waiting to hear how much a service and engine mounts will cost. Think I'll try and find a different garage.
  10. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Lol yes anchor came in handy a few times, tried to take pic of discs but wasn't clear. If they were new I recon I'd have 30% more braking area so might wait for the warning light ( loud scraping noise ) and get new one's. On my English parts suppliers site discs range from £15 each to £60 each ...
  11. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Thanks as usual Nodge, tracking is spot on, wheel bearings are good, tyres brand new 225 s ? Maybe non standard ? As said to describe driving it's like I've got tiny bicycle tyres which are over inflated, car steers itself slightly left and right all the time, take my hands off the wheel...
  12. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    Hi all, took car out for a good long drive yesterday. Glad to report the engine at least seems perfect now. Was crusing along at 100 kph at just over 2500 rpm. Gave her some beans on a downhill straight and she accelerated strongly. Steering still not right though, it's hard to explain but if...
  13. Stuart hall

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Looks in good nick ( apart from the bonnet lol ) mind you it should be as only done 52k ! The agro will start soon !
  14. Stuart hall

    Starting fine, but won’t move backwards or forewords?

    Your brother has a lot to answer for lol.
  15. Stuart hall

    Engine mounts

    Thanks as usual Nodge, I have 0 faith in my local garage, I took it in today, he opened the bonnet ( good start ) then grabbed hold of the rocker cover and tried to rock it back and forth ! Then said I think it's that one pointing to the top mount on left side of engine ! I just need someone who...
  16. Stuart hall

    Engine mounts

    In my case because it's usually so dry here I think the actual rubber has rotted away. I even think now the engines dropped and is transferring all vibrations into the cabin as it's touching other components it's not meant to !
  17. Stuart hall

    Power loss at 60/70 AFTER VCU/Drive shaft installed

    Was going to take photo of the discs but forgot lol. Their very rusty and scored which cant help. Found an old anchor on the beach so will put it to good use !
  18. Stuart hall

    Engine mounts

    Hi all, been to the garage today, he's not sure now which mount has gone ! Fills me with confidence NOT. He says theres two ? Is that right ? Was thinking may be best to change them all ? Will come back with his quote and see what you guys think. Btw their pattern parts.
  19. Stuart hall

    Power loss at 60/70 AFTER VCU/Drive shaft installed

    I'm sure if I replaced discs with the best available, maybe upgraded ones and pads to match that would improve things. Off to the garage so he can check on engine mount.
  20. Stuart hall

    Power loss at 60/70 AFTER VCU/Drive shaft installed

    Yes thanks for that, I recently decoded my vin and mines a 2000. Will see how much new discs are here, dont think I can bring in hand luggage lol.