I would just like to say

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Seriously I think the pleud (love that) deliberately ask stupid questions to see if they get a stupid answer - i.e. UK plates but the occupants can't speak English etc.

Quite often after a few probing, stupid, questions, if the answers are fully plausible they decide its not worth looking at paperwork even if you have it handy.
We also sometimes get stopped by the "Douane Volante" especially if we are towing the big box trailer. To Brits the idea of coming across a customs officer miles from a coast line, an airport or a frontier is a bit bizarre. They always ask us if we have been to Andorra. Which we never have. Looking for contraband booze and tabac.
Saw a bit of the rainy opening ceremony, thought Douglas Hurd was quite good on the piano at the end...
Never saw any of it.
But W keeps reading out to me bits about it.
How thw olympic flag was upside down. How they couldn't use the aquatic centre for the swimming, so had to requisistion a "venue" big enough to hold the audience required by the olympic rules and quickly convert it to olympic sized pool etc, although Taylor Swift will want it back "swiftly" afterwards.
So the gymnastics that was planned to go on there has had to be moved to Bercy.
And Starmer didn't wear a Poncho but instead a Brit Olympics waterproof coat, or summat.
Makes what we did seem quite good in comparison!!
then they don't have a queen to drop out of a jelliflopter!!
If Macron tried it someone would have dropped him, prolly the pilot!!!
When eye got tinternet at me castle it were copper. Later on when renewing they would only do fibre. So no phone unless yer buy a voip phone. Eye has tinternet on fibre for 25 sovs a month. Went up to 26.96 mid contract. And a mobile fone wiv unlimited minutes for voice calls and text to uk and 6 gig of timternet, fer 6 sovs a month. Peeps are moving away from land lines.
Sounds pretty good.
Our deal with Sosh is for a hub for internet which takes the phones (landline) and we both have mobiles but I hardly use mine. It is lovely being able to make phonecalls to landlines even in the UK for nothing. And of course W does Zooms and stuff for hours again for nothing. So the sosh price is a littl over €20 a mumf.

So is yours fibre right to the house? cos we have fibre in the road but if we want to connect to it we have to pay extra and for fibre to the house it'd be far more. Especially as it would have to come down a shared drive and our nasty neighbours would kick off.
Right I am getting a bit naffed off now.
Why whenever I start to make a reply has the line of "stuff" at the top of the box, gone faint and I can't use any of it?
Bizarrely I CAN click on the two columns of three dots and they do open... yet another line of icons I cannot use.
Never happened before and I have no idea how to get it to go back to normal. Tried switching off and back on again, no diff.
I insert my own imojis as i can't any other way and the only way I can insert picks is by having them somewhere on my pooter and using "attach files" which is a pain when normally I can copy and paste. 😡😡😡
What kinda boots? 🤨