1. K

    Replacement Bull Bar

    I have 3.5 v8 1990 which came with a metal bull bar, needs replacing. Can I replace with another metal one legally? Kspoons
  2. K

    3.5 V8 efficiency

    i get about 6-8 on the fields and about 15-16 on long runs - use shell vower - always keep the carbs well tuned as well
  3. K

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    new radiator with a bigger core to help my v8 3.5 cool better new heater matrix
  4. K

    Why do you have a V8 ?

    v8 is the only way to go v8 landy is awesome and i love the thought of good old fashioned technology such as carbs and a distributor working in conjunction with the v8 beast mind you the v8 in my bmw is equally as awesome for sound and its performance is something else - but when you open the...
  5. K

    taxable income on second jobs

    if you are being paid for the second job as paye you will be issued with a tax code - it may be an emergency code to start with but usually it will reflect the paye work as though this was your sole employment. what happens then is when you do your self employed return you will have to fill in...
  6. K

    Stuck in snow rescue pics

    thats all our insurance premiums up to pay for that one then
  7. K

    gurgling noise behind dash

    theres a gurgler behind the dashboard
  8. K

    bobble hat brigade

    strange occurence today was coming down a byway near whitwel today and had some bobble hatters coming the other way and some bikers(cyclists) behind me so go slow to not offend anyone - cyclists decide to try and overtake on down hill section so i let them go - bobble hatters had to take evasive...
  9. K

    RIP - all my heroes are going

    whats worse as your heroes die you realise that you are getting closer to the end yourself
  10. K

    F*ckin drout

    what drought just been hit with hail and a mini torrent coming down the road i live on if we are in a drought then someone needs to tell the weather
  11. K

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    2 new doors, i new gear box and new clutch
  12. K

    110 v8 3.5 gearbox problem

    problem found selector forks on 1st and 2nd gear spread so of to ash crofts for a recon gearbox - will replace clutch as well might even get a recon transfer box
  13. K

    110 v8 3.5 gearbox problem

    thanks for advice will let you all know how matters progress
  14. K

    110 v8 3.5 gearbox problem

    sorry if not clear i start engine with clutch depressed and release clutch drives forward if i then depress clutch to change gear despite moving gearstick around with resistance does not change gear i cannot get into reverse either
  15. K

    110 v8 3.5 gearbox problem

    gearbox seems to stuck in gear - won't change despite being able to move gear stick around if i depress clutch drive is disengaged so looks as though clutch is working if i disengage transfer box again no drive to wheels so suggest gearbox/linkage issue - any ideas - is gearbox terminal?
  16. K

    V8....do I or don't I?

    don't worry about petrol consumption i get 16mpg from my 3.5 v8 i offroad and have been through deepish water with no problems and no mods secret is to keep the old girl regularly serviced and use good quality parts no over heating issues but i have twin kenlowe fans fitted i used to have a...
  17. K

    Advice please chaps.

    has she actually left work/been told not to try up/redundant coz an option would be to go to employment tribunal - say you want old job back - thereby you get pay out for boss breaking most employment law and she gets car back then if boss says can't/won't have back get some more money as a...
  18. K

    What will you'r next motor be ?

    7 series bmw with v12 and all known extras
  19. K

    New MOT test. Please read if yours is due shortly!

    got my 1990 110 motd last week had it checked before hand and was told that the fog light warning light was not working and could fail on this replaced the offending part and it passed all ok seemed a bit picky but maybe its the new regs
  20. K

    110 station wagon v 110 double cab pick up

    give her the old one as a birthday present