I know its not snow, but still brilliant!
I'd love to see the insurance bill - if it's repairable!

Even if you could get the motor running again, I doubt that Mr and Mrs Pilkington-Smythe would be too impressed by the constant undertone of raw sewage eminating from the slightly dulled cream upholstery, or by the crusty used tampon serving to cork the champagne!
If the cheeky fecker expects the insurance company to repair it then he needs a slap. If he's got that much wedge then he should insure it third party only.
That fella should be made to pay for the resuce, anyone who is stupid enough to go out when they dont need to and get stuck should..

Or is it just me who thinks that?
Pulled a skoda octavia taxi that somehow broke the laws of physics and left the road and went halfway through a fence, other bloke said I wouldnt be able to do it as his Mercedes Vito couldnt manage it and that was "heavy"

Then had to pull a zafira sideways up a freshly snowed hill only to be told I had a brilliant "Jeep"

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