1. TK90

    Stolen Landy's

    It seems a good idea to have a stolen section as there are tooooooooooo many scumbags robbing landys thats y ive flogged mine
  2. TK90

    delivery ??????????

    i travel mansfield to natonwid with work roughly 1000 miles per week if i can help anyone PM me dont tell the boss as its his van & diesel
  3. TK90

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    just a quick n TIVSTER paddocks is closer
  4. TK90

    What have you done to your Landie today.

  5. TK90

    Do I do it?

    DO IT i did and didnt lookback went on to get a 90 and then moved away from the 4x4 scene but no regrets BET IM BACK 1 DAY
  6. TK90

    how much for a tow :)

    you dont get nowt for free in this age and a tenner is a dam sight less than a recovery firm would charge, im on call for a local cab firm and the chinese takeaway
  7. TK90

    whats the best defender engine ? poll

    200 tdi over 300 tdi = head gasket failure n cracked heads
  8. TK90

    Bye Bye

    Its time to move on thanx for all the help iv got off you the days out laning ,but im bored so im having a bash at track days p.s the 90s in the for sale section
  9. TK90

    Lift kits??

    Britpart do the job and are cheap but you get wot u pay for Fox remote reservoirs were brilliant on the comp safari racer but cost a fortune
  10. TK90

    where to get green laning maps for in and around sheffield??

    I had the same problem when i started out but after posting for someone to tag along with i found some decent lanes and made some mates into the bargain
  11. TK90

    Defender 90 Tree Slider help

    if that dont work try a bigger hammer and a block of wood
  12. TK90

    stolen landy - uncommon colour??

    Hope they hang the bastards that nicked it ,glad you got it back and i hope theyve not ballsed it up too much with the NEW paintjob
  13. TK90

    Can we have a squrillel shootin section..

    weres the pictures o the dead squirrles ?
  14. TK90

    What counts as a modification?

    if it aint standard declare it ,or if things go tits up they wont payout
  15. TK90

    26 th july

    anyone for greenlaneing ?
  16. TK90

    Just a thought

    There seems to be quite a few people on here with an interest in having a go at greenlaning :) Would it be worth trying to organise runs in different areas led by a couple of local experienced laners for people to have a go ,with help there if they need it ?
  17. TK90

    LRO Billing 2009

    had a gr8 day at newark today
  18. TK90

    Newark Land Rover Max

    Great site but as you say 2 shows on the same weekend crap planning or politics
  19. TK90

    KTC Vegetable Oil

    my 19j s running fine at 50/50
  20. TK90

    who is going to the LRM show Newark 17th -20th??

    im off on sunday :)