Im with paul d but if yer want money but dont want to ask a set fee set up the rope, shakle em on and then just stand there looking at em till they sez thanks heres a 5/10/quid/etc
Helped a couple of cars out now just for the fun of it. Best was my neighbour trying to get 2 tonnes (and 100k!!!) of AMG S class Merc up the snow covered track by the side of our house this afternoon. Took some getting going even with low ratio and difflock but once moving was fine :) Also helped another neighbour who'd run out of hay for their sheep and horses and couldn't get out to get any.

Funny how everyone suddenly loves Landies in the snow but they complain about them the rest of the time... ;)
Helped a couple of cars out now just for the fun of it. Best was my neighbour trying to get 2 tonnes (and 100k!!!) of AMG S class Merc up the snow covered track by the side of our house this afternoon. Took some getting going even with low ratio and difflock but once moving was fine :) Also helped another neighbour who'd run out of hay for their sheep and horses and couldn't get out to get any.

Funny how everyone suddenly loves Landies in the snow but they complain about them the rest of the time... ;)
s types are heavy fookers.Pulled nuff e class in feb, once i stopped laughing at the little lady trying to push it in her fur coat n high heels.
most of neighbours are cocks and hate my v8 :D could have towed them to end of street, but watching them walk=more fun.

Someone in serious predicament = free, someone who's a cock- ****'m and leave them to it
made meself sound like a right mecenary here aint i! course i wouldnt charge for someone whos in the ****! i tow people out for my mates garage if i aint got much work on not just for fun, tenner a tow is the rate he pays me! i may of worded it badly, just wonder if he's rippin me or if its a fair rate. tempted to send the council an invoice for the gritter mind :) just pulled out one of their transits on me way home! reckon i should withold my council tax in payment :)
made meself sound like a right mecenary here aint i! course i wouldnt charge for someone whos in the ****! i tow people out for my mates garage if i aint got much work on not just for fun, tenner a tow is the rate he pays me! i may of worded it badly, just wonder if he's rippin me or if its a fair rate. tempted to send the council an invoice for the gritter mind :) just pulled out one of their transits on me way home! reckon i should withold my council tax in payment :)
Think if you worded it that way to begin with it would have been better,
Think if someone phones a garage to ask for a tow £10 is cheap. How much does he charge? If he charges £15 i would have words, or do the punters just give you the £10?
Helped a few who were in need, saves the roads from being blocked and also helps to clear the roads I wish to travel on. Also obliged a neighbour as he asked for my help to retrieve his car, no problem and later bought me a bottle of wine. Not asked for anything by return, just community spirit and helping those in need. Down my way the roads were bad and with hundreds of abandoned vehicles across the county and up the A3.

I also bought a new webbed towing band just for helping people who were stuck. Can't find my old rope, someone borrowed it and as usual never seen it again!
Spent most of the past 2 days towing artics round the back of the factory where I work - ****ing snow!

Gaffer has mentioned sorting petty cash for tomorrow to fill me tank (don't think he realises how much a disco takes!), but TBH I've just enjoyed playing in me landy and it sure beats the hell out of working for a living!

1 x Disco 300 = keeping the chocolate business in motion! smug, me? NEVER!
I would do it for nought !! How many of those stuck in snow look at yer 4x4 and think ya lucky bustard wish I had one and by the way I do not believe in global warming !!!!
No way would I ask for money! I very much enjoy pulling people out of places - imagine how crap it must feel, as well as embarassing in many cases, to be stuck - all the people I have recovered so far have been very grateful. Although I did have one family who doubted that my lil landy would pull their fully laden car out!
I agree with the 2 above posts....askin for payment I think is cheeky.. its like askin if they want help.. but if they dont wanna pay/ or cant pay do you leave em there or recover em anyway.. :doh: :(... but I think its nice and should be taken when peeps offer and say here's a fiver for ya trouble go grab yaself a beer. :D

That is a very fair comment! I wonder if the Government will remember how usefull the 4x4 was in the winter when they do the Budget thing & put up road tax again!
i had slight problem skidded on black ice and to get a tow out cost £60 for the call out then £70 for the tow and £22 VAT that was a proper company as was nothing to put rope on to pull myself out.
That is a very fair comment! I wonder if the Government will remember how usefull the 4x4 was in the winter when they do the Budget thing & put up road tax again!

ha ha ha don't be daft!:rolleyes:
they'll stick an extra 50 quid on just to pi#s us off:mad:

oh and btw, i'd tow someone out for nowt!
have done in the past and will do in the future
but if they offered a few quid for my trouble then i'd go an buy myself some beer with it;)
ha ha ha don't be daft!:rolleyes:
they'll stick an extra 50 quid on just to pi#s us off:mad:

oh and btw, i'd tow someone out for nowt!
have done in the past and will do in the future
but if they offered a few quid for my trouble then i'd go an buy myself some beer with it;)

good plan :D
you dont get nowt for free in this age and a tenner is a dam sight less than a recovery firm would charge, im on call for a local cab firm and the chinese takeaway
I dont know if its been mentioned but most ins policies specifically prohibit use for motor trade purposes so charging for a tow rather than just accepting a gratuity could drop you in it if things went pear shaped , as happened to a aquaintance of mine who was towing with a chain , the car overran the chain at a roundabout, when he took of again, it got caught under front wheel and promptly caused the car to roll over ended up as a wright off :doh:
I dont know if its been mentioned but most ins policies specifically prohibit use for motor trade purposes so charging for a tow rather than just accepting a gratuity could drop you in it if things went pear shaped , as happened to a aquaintance of mine who was towing with a chain , the car overran the chain at a roundabout, when he took of again, it got caught under front wheel and promptly caused the car to roll over ended up as a wright off :doh:

Just about to post the same thing, not only can't you charge if accept more than reasonable expenses/running costs that can also nullify your insurance.

Charging can increase your liability if things go tits up, if you charge the court would undoubtedly rule you had a duty of care to get it right, on the other hand trying to help someone out the court would usually rule 50:50 no fault, unless you had done something obviously stupid.

I won't accept anything, helping out in times like this is one of the responsibilities that comes with owning stonking great gas guzzling 4x4s:D

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