Use OS maps. Most of the guys on here try to avoid publicising the location of green lanes bacause sometimes it can makes things easier for arseholes who play off the lane, or make things worse. There are a few threads on here about finding green lanes though, search and thee will find... you local council is a good place to start... they have a map that will show you where you can, and more importantly , where you can not drive.

Please, don't drive any of the lanes that are marked as restricted byways or have TRO's on them. Don't use bridleways or footpaths. You could lose your vehicle and you will almost always (according to sods law) encounter walkers or riders who will report you and could cause husge problems for you. (Quite rightly).

Look at the advice available on here before you go laning. You sould like you are new to this hobby so it is important that you do not go alone. Search for advice and thee will find.... (Don't want to sound like a spoilsport or a preacher!)
I had the same problem when i started out but after posting for someone to tag along with i found some decent lanes and made some mates into the bargain

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