1. J

    Not starting

    in fact ill block myself to ...far better sites out there
  2. J

    freelander 1 td4 emision test

    regards the brake test ive been to local garage and he has a roller tester that has a dedicated 4x4 button the roller remote...it turns the back wheels opp direction..regards the 4x4 cat...if its fitted with one when made it has to have one when tested...hope that clears up any doubt... plus...
  3. J

    Anti-Theft Devices

    i did see a mint defender weeks ago...pub car park..windows open..but it did have two Alsatians in the back...now theirs a brave thief ...
  4. J

    Anti-Theft Devices

    have to admit its a hell of a deterrent eh
  5. J

    Not starting

    im in 7 forums, fishing, caravaning 4x4s ..never had a prob or have i seen the scale of problems as on this one, prob is the attitude of ,,ive got a defender, or a disco im a country person and better than any one else, we have a few of you lot down local proper snobs, god knows why i know 2 of...
  6. J

    Not starting

    you hit that bang on the nail..egotits..yes thats how i want it spelt
  7. J

    Not starting

    as a new member ive already had a ,loads stick from a certain 3 mafia members, your dealing with one , clearly regards the vcu they havent got a clue stating it will do no harm to run a freelander in perm 4 wheel drive , when you correct them you get called..ar...e of the week..twunt..get abused...
  8. J

    VCU Torque test results

    i got shot to pieces to start with ....called a twunt cause i said ...do you agree....my god ..bye ****ters
  9. J

    VCU Torque test results

    ive monitored this site in 2 days..17 complaints from members over the answers they get...you at war with wammer and grumygit...4 topics ive tried to get into but havent has there arguing...soo ill disappear and let the babies play with the dummies, take a look at your transcript...and be...
  10. J

    VCU Torque test results

    ive give up on this site as i load grief of wammers and grumpy..from being called twunt ..we all know what that meant to ars...e of the week ..why i put over a good strong point view and these 2 children hate anyone who does that, lot of grief on this site, even a newbie on his first post was...
  11. J

    Introducing myself

    regards sat nav..is it fully upto date
  12. J

    Introducing myself

    youll get fast reply ok...no use to ya full of sarcasm ...as you found on ya first post...i stay as i float between a few and there are a few good men on here...
  13. J

    Introducing myself

    thats sums up the people on here mate .sarky waste of space ..
  14. J

    Introducing myself

    firstly whats ya model freelander , regards sat nav ..forget it get a stand alone with life time updates, sun roofs are a known prob..close it..take fuse out..forget it...fuel gauge sounds like faulty sensor maybe, check battery earths clean and tight and showing a healthy 14,2 v running , best...
  15. J

    Freelander 1 Diesel TD4 sounds Dieselier !

    makes sense, certainly cant do any harm eh
  16. J

    Freelander 1 Diesel TD4 sounds Dieselier !

    This is what makes me laugh had this argument in the pub and 2 guys were saying premium fuels a rip off and they need to save where they can on running costs so i asked them what would they do if fuel got to 28 quid a gallon and answer was ..have to sell the car..never afford it, they were...
  17. J

    Freelander 1 About to tackle brakes and shocks

    you really need all 4 tyres identical, never replace just one least do them in pairs put the newest on the back i think is correct, def dont use diff diameters any where
  18. J

    Mid-life crisis...

    hope youve made a good recovery , always a worry when only in ya forties , hope ya all sorted now
  19. J

    Mid-life crisis...

    they reckon the 50s are critical for males , if you live thru it good chance youll get to ya 70s plus,,,so be thankfull...im same age as you and so far thanks to me cycling, kick boxing , bit running and healthy eating im not suffering from any of your ailments...yet..lol
  20. J

    Freelander 1 Diesel TD4 sounds Dieselier !

    never used supermarket even in petrol cars i have a shell 1 mile away so always used that, when got the landy i decided on v power nitro